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*In Eda's Human Collectibles stand. She is dusting the table, looking bored and Ava is helping her, while Luz is reading the first Azura book to King. Cut to the pages of the book, showing Azura facing off against Hecate.*
Luz: Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!" And look! I drew a flip book. (Flips between two pages.) Pew, pew, pew!
King: Show me the picture. (Peeking over the top of the book.)
Luz: What?
King: Show me the picture! (Luz does.)Hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of Artists.
Luz: Wait. I thought you were the King of Demons. Are you just making this up now?
Ava:What do you think?(Eda snorts)
King: Doesn't matter. What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me!
Luz: Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book.
Eda: Ugh! Please stop reading that. Its flowery language is an insult to witches and driving away all of our serious customers!
Ava:(she looks around; sarcastically) really? Will, they must be invisible then.
Luz: Um, Eda? (they see an empty street.) What customers? There aren't even any other stands around. What's going on?
Eda: This is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today.
Ava: It can't be that bad.
Gus: Luz! Ava!(Him and Willow run up to the stand.) Something amazing is happening today!
Luz: Gus, Willow! Hey!
Ava: What's up guys!
Willow: (Holds up a flier.) It's the annual covention! Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year!
Luz: A job fair for witches! Eda, can we go?
Eda: Absolutely not.
Ava: why?(Luz groans and drops to the ground.)
Eda: I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system.
Ava: Mmm,I wouldn't be surprised,
Willow: Mmm. (Drops the flier.)
Eda: Eh, but, you know, no judgment. In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls.
Luz: "We"?
Eda: I—the—I mean—
Ava: oh,looks like Eda spilled the beans!
Eda: I did Not!
Luz:(Pops back up.)Who's "we"? You have a mysterious past! Now we gotta go!
Eda: No.
Luz: Okay. Then you leave me no choice.
King: (Grabs the book.)"You shall not shan't doeth no more harm," Azura callethed out... (Continues reading.)
Eda: So flowery, so awful.
Ava: its not bad.(Eda walks away, opening the Portal Door and stepping through it.)
King: "Hecate could only screech, screech as did she, for the screeching did worseneth."(Luz tosses King through the portal as it closes. It opens a second later, Eda coming back through with King sitting on her head.)
Eda: Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything to stop this!
Ava:oh,wow that was quick.

*Later,a long building, a sign in front of it reading "COVENTION TODAY alchemists anonymous tomorrow". At the front of the building, where Luz is bouncing on her feet and Willow is clapping. Eda groans into her hand.*
Eda: (Grunting as she struggles to pull her hood on, King hanging off of it.) Gotta keep a low profile.
Ava:(snorts) like that going to be easy.(Eda glares at her) i'm just saying
Luz: (Grunts as she tries to shove Eda's hair in the cowl.)Is this cowl really necessary?
Eda: Do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft? (Numerous small objects fall out of her hair.)Partly.
Ava:I think you mean mainly.
Eda:(Scoops the things back into her cowl.)But the big whammy is I disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven. If I'm seen, I could go to jail. Again.
Ava: But then you will just break out again.
Eda:That's true.
Willow: (Approaching with one of Eda's wanted posters.) Maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven.(Eda traces a spell that pulls Willow's cowl over her face.)
Eda: Let's just get this over with.(They enter the building.)
Luz: Whoa. Was I even alive before now?
Ava: I got to admit, this is cool.(Several booths are set up inside, each with a sign for one coven or another. From the ceiling hangs nine large colorful banners. Two student witches fly by on broomsticks.)
Gus: Those are the main nine covens, but there are hundreds of other ones you can join.
Willow: (As they're all walking.)There's Flower Coven, Artist Coven, Big Dog Coven, Small Cat Coven, Tiniest Cat Coven—(Eda groans.)
Willow: Also the Grumpy Coven.
Eda: What was that?(Willow yips as the kids and King all run.)
Ava: That you're being a grumpy pants! Relax Eda,(Eda groans again) and enjoy the place.(she runs off)
Man #1: Uh, excuse me, ma'am, but you look rather familiar. (Looks between Eda's wanted posters and her.)
Eda: Uh... No, I don't. Distraction spell!(She reaches into her cowl and throws a bag on the ground. It's Hex Mix, which does nothing. Eda runs away anyway, but returns when the man bends down to grab it. She drags his hood over his face, scoops up the Hex Mix, and runs away again. Cut back to the kids as Eda rejoins them.)
Luz: (Stops and points) Ooh, what's that?
Willow: That's the Construction Coven.(a bearded witch in a hard hat and Tinella Nosa standing next to a pallet of wood and a pallet of bricks. The witch grabs both pallets from the bottom and tosses them in the air. The materials fall down to perfectly construct a small house.)
Willow: One of the main nine. They use power glyphs to increase their strength.(The witch removes his hard hat to pull of a power glyph from a stack atop his head. He peels the adhesive off the back of one and puts it on Tinella Nosa's nose. Her pupils constrict.)
Tinella Nosa: (Screams and picks up the witch, throwing him in the air.) Ha-a-a! I'm the destroyer of worlds! (Grabs the Construction Coven sign and tosses it.)
Man #2: Hey, that's the opposite of construction!(Two witches run in to stop Tinella Nosa as she grabs a giant hammer. Cut back to Luz.)
Luz: Yowza-wowza!(A light blue double of Luz ducks out from behind her.)
Illusion Luz: Yowza-wowza!
Luz: Yowza-wha-a-a?
Ava: Cool Luz.(Her illusion double walks over to two Illusion track witches. It waves at her and disappears)
Gus: (Runs over to the other witches.) Ah! You've been taken in by the allure of the Illusionist Coven. We like to magic with a hint... (Disappears in a cloud of smoke, reappears a few feet to the right.) ...of showmanship.(He bows as the other two appear next to him.)
Ava: All different kind of magic.
Luz: Wow! Acceptance? Comradery? A sense of belonging? Covens sound incredible! Eda, why haven't you ever joined one?
Eda: Watch closely, Luz and Ava.(Another illusion track witch is now standing with one of the other ones.)When you join a coven, all your other magic is sealed away.(A seal in the shape of a mirror appears on the witch's wrist, light blue lines running from it up his arms and face. He pales slightly as the lines fade.)From now on, that kid will only be able to make illusions. Since I never joined a coven, I can do every kind of magic. (Creates a fireball in one hand and a ball of water in the other, then makes both disappear.)That's why I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles.
Ava: So cool!I want to try!(she makes a ball of water appear but couldn't make a ball of fire) aw...
Eda: don't worry kid,you will get it.(she ruffled her hair and walked away. Willow, Luz,Ava and Gus hurry after her, amazed. King starts to follow, but is stopped with a hand on his shoulder.)
King: Weh?
Student #1: The tea leaves foretell that this (Pulls out a pen.)will lead you to your destiny. (Puts the pen in his hands.)
King: Destiny? Feh! I'm not paying for—
Student #1: (Retreating into the shadows.) It's free-e-e.
King: Are you bestowing gifts upon me? Yes! I accept your offering! The King of Demons is back!

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