Any Sport in a Storm

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*At the Emperor's Castle . Inside his room, Hunter is sewing a sigil onto his cloak. Flapjack lands on his shoulder and chirps at him.*
Hunter:Yeah, it does look good as new!(Hunter holds up his cloak to look at the sigil. The sewing work on it looks shoddy and strings start coming off, not to mention the cloak has bandages on it.)...And I have no idea what I'm doing.(Someone knocks on Hunter's door. He opens it and finds two Coven Guards standing outside. One of them passes a letter to him. Hunter opens it and reads the letter, which is from Emperor Belos)"My duties are keeping me busy. I entrust you to lead the Coven Heads today. Consider this a test." (Smirks.)Hmm.(Hunter heads over to the throne room, just in time to see some of the Coven Heads coming out.)
Hunter:Good. You're all here. We can get started- Hey! Ugh! Wha- Where are you- Ugh! I said wait! Come back here!(The Coven Heads ignore his presence and simply push past him. Raine stops and turns around to look at Hunter, but Terra pushes them and they walk away.Hunter pushes the doors open and walks into the throne room angrily. He sees Darius and Eberwolf looking at some scrolls.)Darius! Eberwolf! Why is everyone leaving? We are scheduled to have a recruitment meeting.(Darius sighs and turns around to talk to Hunter.)
Darius:Good morning to you too, little prince. We've decided to reschedule the meeting, so go play arts and crafts or... whatever it is you do. (Notices something.)Oh. Looks like you've already started.(Darius uses his abomination goo to grab Hunter's cloak and brings it to him.)
Hunter:Hey!(Darius looks at the hand sewn sigil and laughs at it.)
Darius:This is impressively bad. Wait, is this the old Golden Guard sigil?
Hunter:(Angrily.) Of course it is! And this is no way to treat the emperor's-
Darius:Nephew?(Hunter stares at Darius furiously.)I knew your predecessor. He was my mentor. One of the strongest witches I've ever known. But you... Hmm.(Darius looks at Hunter judgingly. Hunter becomes nervous.)
Hunter:But Belos says I don't need magic to serve the coven.
Darius:And I say you don't deserve to wear that patch.(Darius walks away together with Eberwolf, holding Hunter's cloak in his hand. Feeling insecure, Hunter turns around and calls after Darius.)
Hunter:Wait. What should I do? How do I... earn it?
Darius:(Exasperated.) Ugh, sweet mother of titans. I- I don't know. Find new recruits for the Emperor's Coven? The best and the brightest witches in all the land. Then maybe, you can get this back.
Hunter:(Determined.)I'll do it.
Darius:(Walks away.) Of course you will. You're very good at doing exactly what you're told.(Hunter looks insecure again. The doors slam shut.)

*Cut to a forest with upbeat music playing. Willow is working out relentlessly with Clover accompanying her.*
Willow:(Narrating.) After years of thinking I wasn't good enough, I finally found something I can be good at. Something I wanna be good at. Switching to the Plant Track was just the beginning. I'm on my way to becoming the witch I wanna be.

*Cut to Willow sitting in front of a mirror. She looks at her reflection and talks to herself.*
Willow:I can do this!(Willow suddenly becomes unsure.)Right?(Willow takes off a piece of newspaper clipping pasted on the mirror. It shows an article titled: "The Ghouls Celebrate Their First Flyer Derby Win!" and in the picture above it, Gilbert and Harvey Park are among the members celebrating the win. Willow looks back at her reflection with confidence.)Eye of the liger, girl. (Winks.)Knock'em dead!

*Cut to Willow walking inside the hallways of Hexside, A banner above her reads: "CLUB FAIR TODAY!" She suddenly hears a noise and looks towards it, and sees Luz and Gus running away from something, Luz chucking icicles at it.*
Luz:Back, back, back, back!(A rogue locker appears and chases after the duo when suddenly Ava runs towards them and grabs the duo,taking them next to Willow.) Ava!
Ava: I'll be back,you two stay here!(she then runs toward the rogue locker and starts running around it causing it to get dizzy.Willow then promptly uses a spell circle to summon some vines and tie up the locker's feet, restraining it. Ava then runs towards Willow) nice work Willow!(she and Willow high-five each other)
Luz:(Hugs Willow.)Thanks, Willow. And you too Ava.(she gives Ava a kiss on the cheek)
Gus:(Sits on the locker) And that's why we try not to keep our lunches in the lockers.
Ava: Well,lesson learned.
Luz:So... ready for the club fair, Willow? Mayhaps you'll join me, Ava and Amity in the... Azura book club. (She tries to hold up 5 books in her hand at once, but drops it seconds later while yelping in pain.)Owie.
Willow:Thanks. But... I'm interested in something with a little more... drama, flare, and face paint.
Ava: sounds interesting...go on.
Luz:(Intrigued) I'm so excited to hear the next words out of your mouth.
Willow:Flyer derby!(Willow shows Luz and Ava a video on her Penstagram account on her scroll )
Narrator:Only Stabitha Jenkins and Old Gory are left.(Stabitha and Old Gory rushes towards each other.)Who will win?(Stabitha snatches Old Gory's flag and hangs it over at her team pole.)And it's Stabitha Jenkins with the winning flag!
Willow:Ever since our grudgby match, I've been playing it at home. Today...(Summons her staff.) I'm starting Hexside's first Flyer Derby team!(Behind Willow, Luz,Ava and Gus cheer and throw confetti.)
Ava: you got this girl!

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