Eclipse Lake

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*Open in the Emperor's Castle, where Belos has completely rebuilt the portal. He has an Abomaton inject a green substance into the door lock before using a pieced together key to open it. However, the key is instantly vaporized. Nearby, Hunter observes the test when Flapjack flies by and chirps.*
Hunter:(Quietly swats Flapjack.)Shoo!
Emperor Belos:Would you like to see how it works, Hunter?(Hunter gasps and hides Flapjack, who turned into his wood form, in his cloak before approaching.)
Hunter:I didn't mean to hide, Emperor Belos.(Belos turns around, his maskless face is revealed to have a green scar.)
Emperor Belos:We found every piece of the door. But without the power of the real key, it refuses to open.
Hunter:(Curious.) Is it true that rain doesn't boil in the Human Realm?
Emperor Belos:It is. You know, I've been there before. Did I ever tell you that?(Hunter shakes his head.)The trees there are green. Nights are quiet. I look forward to seeing it again. Were you spying on me just to hear these boring stories?
Hunter:The operation at the Knee, why did you switch me out with Kikimora?
Emperor Belos:Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans. The scouts carry out orders. And you, well, the Titan has big plans for you, and it would such a hassle to find a replacement. So, right now, you can be useful by staying safe in the castle.(Belos escorts Hunter out of the room.)
Hunter:If this is punishment for failing my last mission, I swear I can do better.
Emperor Belos:Goodnight, Hunter. (Closes the door.Unsatisfied, Hunter turns and runs off.)

*Cut to Amity,who is walking down a hall of the Owl House holding a clipboard.*
Amity:Hooty, what's your status?
Hooty:(Breaks through a window.)The perimeter's secured. Nothing's getting past me.
Amity:Good. (Walks off.)Clean up that mess.
Hooty:Ma'am.(Hooty sweeps the broken window pieces away with his neck.In the kitchen Willow, accompanied by Clover, places bags down on the table.)
Amity:Willow, have you gathered the supplies?
Willow:(Salutes.) Yes, we are ready to attack this on all fronts.
Amity:(Gives a thumbs up.) Excellent.(A white cat comes up to her, leaving a dead spider at her feet.)Aw, Ghost. Did you help too? (Gives Ghost a chin scratch.)Who's a good palisman? Great, now all we need is—(Gus and King enter, Emmiline on Gus' shoulder. Gus is holding CDs while King has a speaker, a disc hanging off his intact horn.)
Gus:Rain? Beach waves?
King:Something called "lo-fi beats to study and relax to"? We've got it all.
Gus:Eda was rummaging through her basement, and gave us some soothing human noises.
Amity:That's great. Wait. Eda's still here? (Enters the living room.)Eda, you're supposed to be helping Hooty build our defenses. Huh?(Eda's busy clenching with an intense look on her face, until she lets out a scream.)
Eda:Whoo! Ah, don't mind me. I'm just learning how to turn into Harpy Eda on command. According to these human workouts, you just gotta scream a lot until you force your inner beast out.(Eda starts grunting and screaming again, while an unnerved Amity picks up a VHS box titled Dragon Claw Z and looks it over.)
Amity:This looks ancient.
Eda:(Takes the VHS box.)What? No. It's only (Surprised.) 30 years old? I remember seeing this in theaters.
Amity:Yes, you're old. Who cares? We have a crisis on our hands.
Eda:Chill, bossy boots. Everything's fine.

*Cut to Luz's and Ava's room. Amity pushes the door open for her and Eda.*
Amity:(Gestures.) Does this seem fine to you?(Luz is lying on the floor, still dressed for bed, wearing socks on her hands with a towel on her forehead and completely delirious. A small, humanoid abomination is holding a box of tissues while Ava was trying to heal the sickness and Speedy was in his bed eating)
Luz:Whoa. It's like I have snakes for arms.
Ava: No Luz,don't play with those(she takes the socks away)
Amity:Ava, did you try healing her?
Ava:I tried but it somehow isn't working.
Eda:(Calm.) Please, she just has the Common Mold. It's harmless and surprising Ava is immune to it.
Ava:That's because of my fast healing and I sadly can't get drunk either.(she sees the look Eda is giving her) not that I have tried before or anything...
Amity:But she's human. We have no idea how it'll affect her!
Luz:(Sits up, pulls out the portal key.) If I ate the portal key, would I return to the Human Realm?
Ava: I don't think that's how it works.(Luz attempts to eat the key but Ava suddenly speeds towards her and grabs it)
Luz:(Reaches out.) Huh?
Ava:(starts spinning the key around) sorry Luz but this isn't food.(suddenly the key flies out of Ava's hand) shoot!(she goes to grab it but Amity catches it)
Amity:(Puts the key around her neck; to Luz)I am not giving this back until you're better, okay?(she then looks at Ava who nervously looks at her) and I think it's better if I hold it.
Ava: (she nervously laughs as she rubs her arm) yeah...I think so too.(Amity playfully rolls her eyes. Luz pouts and whines before pulling out a game device and texts on it. Amity and Ava take out their own devices, the symbols reading "U 2 R PRETTY" from the side. Amity lowers it and sees Luz beaming while Ava smiles and send a Heart symbol back at Luz)
Amity:(Not understanding it.) Oh, uh... (Chuckles.)you got it!(Amity closes the door while Luz makes a confused expression and looks at Ava who just shrugs confused as well. Everyone has gathered outside her room.)
Willow:Got to admit, Amity, seeing you around more often is different.
Amity:I know. But I was taught to see every situation as an opportunity. And today, I'll show Luz and Ava that I am an awesome girlfriend.
King:Feels like just a few months ago, you almost got them dissected by your crazy principal.
Gus:That was a few months ago.(Luz screams while Ava says about time. Amity and Eda burst into her room.)
Amity and Eda:Luz!
Luz:M-Mouse. Uh. Philip diary entry.(Jerry the mouse has indeed begun a projection. Luz has a notepad and pencil ready and Ava also gets a notepad and pencil incase Luz misses something)
Philip:After five years, I have finally found it. A power source so potent it can pierce through realms. Titan's Blood. There are old tales of lakes reflecting green trees and blue skies. The Titan's vein runs through the land. And many believe that these wild portals are created when a little of its blood leaks into the water. That is how I came here. So that is the first place I shall look. I will journey back to Eclipse Lake.(The projection finishes. Jerry the mouse squeaks and scuries off as Luz snaps her finger at Ava and Ava nods as she quickly draws a picture of Eclipse Lake,Luz then grabs it.)
Luz:I have to go to Eclipse Lake!(she grabs Ava's arm and throws her out the door forcing Amity to duck while Willow and Gus back away towards the door and help Ava get up.Luz then jumps on Ava with great force that she falls again with Luz on top of her) Ava,get up! We need to go!
Ava:(she groans as Luz starts shaking her) stop shaking me...(Eda then grabs Luz and pulls her off of Ava as Ava then get up)
Eda: stop shaking her,you're going to break her.(Luz keeps fighting Eda trying to escape)
Willow:(Pushes her friend back in.)Luz, no. You are not well.
Gus:(In the room.) She is shockingly strong!(They tie her up in her sleeping bag and toss her on the floor. Luz grunts.)
Eda:(Looking down at Luz.)All right, Luz. Me,Ava and King will get your Titan blood if you just calm down.
Ava: Right, we got this. You just relax and get better.
King:(Jumps on Eda's shoulder.)Yes! Perfect chance to take our new powers for a test drive.
Luz:You guys are the best.(Hands over her drawing to Eda, who starts to leave along with Ava who whistles making speedy jumps towards her and land on her hoodie)
Amity:(Raises her hand)I volunteer as well. (Follows.) As Luz's and Ava's girlfriend, I must—
Eda:I get it, boots. Just grab a coat. Willow, Goops, watch over Luz. She thinks she has snakes for arms.
Luz:Whoa.(Gasps, then hisses at them, causing Gus to flinch)

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