Enchanting Grom Fright

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*the Owl House living room. King is watching videos on Luz's phone while she uses a magnifying glass to look at a flower.*
Luz: Come on! Work this time. (Replicates plant glyph, activates it, gasps when a flower successfully grows.) Yes! Check it out, King and Ava: my glyph skills are blossoming!
Ava: yeah I see, good work Luz!(she hugs her making Luz blush)
King: You think that's impressive? Check this out! Two warriors battling to the death!(On the phone, two cats meow. One prepares to pounce on the other but falls on its back. Luz and Ava look at the open portal door.)
Ava:(she snorts) that's not what you think.
Luz: Ah. I see we're getting enough Wi-Fi through the portal for cat videos.
King: Senseless violence. Yes, attack! Death is your god!
Ava: Oh brother.
Luz: I regret teaching you about the Internet.
King: Hah! What possible regrets could come from the Internet? Oh! Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?
Ava: (sighs) of course you saw that video.
Luz: Yep, that's not right.(She takes her phone back as it vibrates. She got a text from her mom reading, "How's camp today, cariño? And how's Ava doing? <3, Mamá." Luz gulps. She starts typing "I", then deletes it. "I'm" and "It" are also typed and quickly deleted.)
Ava:(she saw the worried look on Luz) what's wrong?(Luz shows her the text message) oh...just tell her you're having fun and that am ok
Luz: (She ends up sending a thumbs-up emoji with " Ava is also fine".) Good enough.
King: Ah, a severed hand! Perfect response.(Luz flops down on the couch and puts a pillow on her face.)
Ava: it's alright Luz...it's not as bad as King makes it seem.
Luz: (Muffled.)Ugh! What am I supposed to say? (Sits up; normal.) "Hey, Mom, not at camp actually! Me and Ava are in the demon realm learning to be a witch! Also, did you know demons and magic are real?" She. Will. End me.
Ava: It's not that bad Luz.
Luz: What about you? What do you tell your mom,will your adopted mother since she isn't your real mom?
Ava:(she looks nervously at luz) will...she thinks am in...(she then whispers the last part) Paris for vacation...
Luz: what!
Ava: oh you heard that...
Luz: So she doesn't know that you're supposed to be in camp? I thought my mom texted her?
Ava:she did but I stopped the text from getting sent to my mom and since she only checks on me by text then I just send her photoshop pictures of me and you in Paris.
Luz:Will, maybe you can lie to your adopted mom but I can't lie to my mom...
King: You're doing the right thing, she'd be freaked out by our world anyway. So actually, by keeping the truth from her, you're doing her a favor!
Luz: Hm. The demon on my shoulder makes a good point.(Ava snorts and playfully rolls her eyes)
King: Always trust a shoulder demon!(He takes the phone. Hooty opens the door.)
Ava: will if that demon is King then yes but only sometimes.
Hooty: Hoot hoot, Luz,Ava! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with...(Regurgitates a stack of books onto the ground.)Mm-hmm. Delicious knowledge!(Willow and Gus look in from the doorway.)
Gus: Please hurry!
Willow: The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get.
Ava: don't worry,we are coming.
Hooty: Hoot hoot!
Luz: Hehe. (Finger guns her friends; kisses King's head.) Don't spend all day watching MewTube, 'kay?
King: I forge my own path!(Ava then walks by him and pats his head;On the phone screen, a fluffy black cat chases its tail. He snickers.)What a dum-dum.(He's distracted by his own tail wagging. He tries to catch it but flops on the couch after a second.)Ugh. Who has the energy?

*Cut to Hexside. The spider kindergarten teacher decorates the halls with streamers.*
Spider Teacher: Coming through! Watch your heads!(The halls are decked out with balloons made of abomination goop and other decorations. Luz,Ava, Gus, and Willow enter.)
Luz: Something's different today. Did everyone get a haircut?
Ava: Is there some kind of event that we don't know of?
Willow: Oh yeah! I forgot you two have never been here for the social event of the season.
Gus: Welcome to your first—(Suddenly, two masked health workers enter, rolling a stretcher, making siren noises.)
Worker: Outta the way!(The workers surround a beast-keeping student with dark skin, blond hair that covers his eyes, and big, pointy ears similar to a bat. Skara looks on.)Come with us immediately! Your disease—it's advancing!(They help him onto the stretcher.)
Bat Boy: Is there a cure, doc?
Worker: Only one... finding the perfect date to Grom!
Bat Boy: If that's the cure... then, Skara, will you go to Grom with me?(He holds out a beating heart, with "GROM?" written on it in red ink.)
Skara: Ahhhhh! Of course I will, or whatever!(She hugs him, and onlooking students and teachers cheer.)
Ava: That is the weirdest and most dramatic way I have ever seen someone ask someone else out.
Luz: (Gasps.)You guys have a weird version of prom on the Boiling Isles? I was kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter, (Strikes a pose.)but maybe here, I could be your Grom Queen!
Ava: I would vote for you.(Luz smiles at her)
Willow: That's, uh, not something people usually sign up for.
Ava: why?(Amity enters from behind, looking down at the stack of books and a note she is carrying, and unknowingly bumps into Luz and Ava)
Amity: Watch it, nitwit! Oh. Hi, Luz and Ava... and co. Sorry about that.
Ava: it's all good...mittens.(she winks at her making Amity blush)
Amity: I told you to not call me that.
Ava: Will you call me a nitwit so...
Luz: (she hits her shoulder) stop messing with her.(to Amity)No problem, let me help you!(She helps Amity pick up her books and hands her a little pink note that she dropped.)Here, your note.(Amity snatches it away.)
Ava: whoa,relax.Luz wasn't going to read it.
Luz: Man, you got some quick grabbers.
Amity: It's just, it's... private.
Ava: it's alright we understand.(The speaker screeches on. Everyone looks at it.)
Student #2: I'm so nervous.
Student #3: Shh! This is it!
Principal Bump: (Over intercom.) Attention Hexside students. This is your principal speaking.
Gus: Oh, man, this is it!
Willow: He's announcing who'll be this year's Grom royalty.(Amity looks on, concerned.)
Principal Bump: This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honor to... Amity Blight!(Willow, Luz, Ava,and Gus gasp. The four of them turn to Amity, who looks shocked.)
Principal Bump: Our Grom Queen!(Other students gasps.)
Student #4: It's Amity!
Student #5: Amity.(Amity is noticeably uneasy.)
Ava:(she noticed her discomfort) hey are you alright?
Luz: Whoo! Amity, get it, queen!(Luz holds her hand up for a high-five. Amity looks around and runs off.)Don't leave me hangin'!
Willow: You might want to give her some space. Being Grom Queen is a tough job. Even for Amity.

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