Hooty's moving Hassle

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*In the Owl House living room, where Eda and Owlbert are playing a card game with Luz,Ava and King watching. Eda shuffles her hand, and the eyes on the cards look up at her. Owlbert, wearing a green visor, narrows his eyes and hoots.*
Eda: Watch closely, Luz and Ava.Hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play.
Ava: awesome!
Luz: Oh boy, cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!
Ava: in the Demon Realm? I don't think they are normal cards.(Eda puts a card down on the table. Lightning comes from the cards, sending Owlbert flying for cover behind the side of the table. The cards all stand and roar. Owlbert's surge forward and attack Eda's, making Owlbert smirk.)
Eda: Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wildcard.(She holds up a card with a tower on it. It glows green, and Owlbert's cards disappear in a flash of fire. Fiery letter spelling out "WINNER EDA" appear and disappear over the table. Owlbert hops back on and hoots at Eda, his wings extended.)Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face. Ah, I love the feeling of victory; it feels... fluffy? (Suddenly feathers start growing from her arms.)
Ava: whoa!
Luz: Uh, Eda? It's happening again!
Eda: What's happening again?
King: Your curse is returning!(Eda yelps.)

*Later,inside of a chest as Eda opens it, Luz andAva  on one side and King on the other.*
Eda: Oh, boy.(All of the bottles in the chest are empty.)
Ava: That's not good....
Eda: This is terrible. I'm out of elixir.
Luz: Uh, last time this happened, you turned into this thing.(Holds up her phone, a picture of the Owl Beast is seen.)
Eda: I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce.
Luz: Eda!
Eda: You're right, you're right. We need to head to the market.
Luz: Market! (Stands and starts to leave.)
Ava: Yeah!(she follows Luz)
King: (Follow them)I'm stealing everything that's not nailed down!
Eda: Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold'em?(Pats her pocket.)Hey, where are my cards?
Luz:(Handing the deck to Owlbert.) Take these and fly ahead. She'll have to follow us.(He does.)
Eda:(Running after him.)Owlbert, you sore loser, gimme back my cards!

*At the Boonesborough,a sky line as a winged demon flies past.At the market, where Eda bangs on a metal grate.*
Eda: Hey, open up, Morton!
Morton: Uh, ju—... just a minute!(King leaves Eda's side to sit next to Luz who was beside Ava on a bench.)
Luz: Is there anything better than people watching in the Demon Realm?(Three witches are standing at a bus stop as a giant egg rolls up to it. The egg cracks, revealing a featherless bird that screeches. It flies away. The witches enter the egg, one of them closes it, and it rolls off as Tinella Nosa runs up.)
Tinella Nosa: Wait, wait! Aw, dang it.
Ava: Oh yes,because watching others in pain is so interesting.
Luz: The curse of tiny legs.
King: I know the pain.(Loud footsteps are heard. Tinella Nose screams and runs. A witch waves his hand, and a cart with a large demon on it follows him. Luz and Ava  then walk up to Eda.)
Luz: Whoa, that is one ominous parade.
Eda: That's no parade. Those are demon hunters.(The demon growls and bucks. The two demon hunters pushing the cart pull its ropes to pin it back down. It tries to bite at the first demon hunter.)
Ava: You don't say.
Eda: Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts.(The first demon hunter traces a spell circle, creating lightning in his hand. He grunts as he shocks the demon unconscious. He turns and looks at Luz. She gasps,Ava then glares at him.)...Which I'm about to become if you don't open up, Morton!(Continues knocking on the grate.)
Morton:(Opens the grate.) Sorry, Eda! I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason, I don't feel great.
Eda: I'm all outta my juice, pal.
Morton: Oh, gee. Lemme see what I can do.(Morton ducks down and digs around, rattling bottles. The demon hunters continue on, revealing Willow and Gus, looking dejected, behind the demon.)
Luz: Willow and Gus! (Runs up to them.)
Ava: Where!(she follows her)
Luz:Heya, friends!(she sees their sad faces)Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?
Willow: Them.(She points to a food stand. Skara and Cat are laughing while Amity is staring at a potion and Boscha is watching them.)Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me.
Gus: And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram account.(Gus summons his scroll, open to Amity's Penstagram post of her and her friends posing.)
Ava:You guys have instagram,here?
Gus: what?
Luz: (she reads the post)"It's conjuring night! No dorks allowed"? What a jerk!(Scowls for a second.)What's a moonlight conjuring?
Willow: You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games...
Luz: Like a slumber party! We have those!
Ava: Yeah, Me and luz have them all the time.
Willow:(Pulls out a book.)Then you bring something to life with moon magic!
Ava: oh.(she looks at Luz)
Luz: (Pauses.)Like a weird slumber party!
Willow: Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least four people and—
Luz: I'm four people—I mean, we're four people, and we're way better than them!
Boscha:(Laughs as they all approach.)Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Willow. (Looks at Amity) Only real witches are allowed.
Amity:(Sighs.) Leave her alone. It's not her fault she was born without talent.
Ava: oh,so you want to see real witch power?
Luz: Ava don't!(She grabs Ava's shoulder but Ava pulls away and walks towards Boscha)
Boscha:You? Oh,please. I don't know who you think you are but if your hanging out with Half a witch Willow,then you definitely aren't a witch.(Amity sees that Ava is angry so she backs away)
Ava:(lighting flashes in her eyes as she smirks,she raises her hand and draws a circle making a lighting ball appear in her;Boscha and the other two girls gasp)you want to say that again?(she walks closer to Boscha making her back away a little) go ahead,Call Willow that again,I.dare.you.
Boscha:(she hides her fear as she scoffs) that's just an illusion,that's not real lighting,there is no way you made—(Suddenly Ava throws the lighting ball towards a tree,destroying it completely.All that's left is the ashes of the tree and a big black spot on the ground;Ava then looks back at her glaring)
Ava: still think it is an Illusion?(she makes other lighting ball and The girls quickly leave and Amity follows them)
Willow: Wow,Ava that was so cool! How did you do that!?
Gus: Right! Only the most powerful witches are able to summon lighting!
Ava: I don't know,I guess it's just my meta gene and besides,I couldn't just stand here and let them talk to you like that.(she hugs Willow)
Willow: Thanks,I just hate that they called me that.
Luz: will,don't waste your time getting thorny over them. 'Cause we're gonna have our own moonlight conjuring.
Ava: what?
Gus: Are you serious? This was on my bucket list. (Pulls it out and checks it off.)After owning a real human bucket!
Luz: That's a really weird thing to want, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. We will go tell Eda.(she runs to get Eda and pulls Ava with her.)

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