💜Gyutaro Catch-Up💜

Start from the beginning

this is your room. not his.

he is breaking and entering, and he's telling you to shut up? the audacity was insane to you, especially coming from a tight-knit hood that still knocked before walking into one-another's house.

with that thought in mind, you slapped his hand away, eliciting another sound of annoyance from him as you glared.

"excuse you, mister. man, this is my fucking room—" you said, shoving against his chest and backing away when he gave in and fell back. "—which i can scream in if i damn well fuckin please." you ranted, tying back your hair with a scoff. "Ти дегхенераат."


"who are you?" you asked pointedly, giving him a stern glare as you crossed your arms and pushed yourself to stand. "since you wanna intrude."

"Gyutaro." he said, looking you up and down in slight surprise.

"you gotta pay upfront." you said, holding your hand out expectantly. "and this little stunt isn't gonna fly unless you pay extra."

"no, i'm not paying for your..." he trailed off and looked away awkwardly, "...services."

"then what do you want?" you asked deadpanned. "if you ain't got money, go."

"no, i don't want anything from you." Gyutaro's scowl returned and he crossed his arms, getting up to seem taller than you and assert his power over the situation.

"oh, what?" you huffed a laugh, waving your hand dismissively. you got up and trailed to your dresser to fix your kimono. "let me guess. you're not gonna hurt me, you're just gonna kill me?" you taunted.

he glanced down at his sickles as they began to form and shrugged, "yeah." you paused and looked at him in the mirror. "something like that. it will hurt, though."

"brother!" you winced at the shrill cry that sounded from the walls.

a woman shot out from your closet within a second and she ran over to Gyutaro.

"i want her! i wanna keep her alive, are you dumb?!"

"no." he sighed, now putting his hand on his hip and the other unwillingly lodged between the woman's arms.

"i have to bring her into my pantry." she said quietly.

"well, can't you still do that when she's dead?"

"they taste better alive!"

"what the fuck..." you mouthed, inching toward the door as they continued to argue.

you were disturbed to say the least.

why were they talking about you as if you weren't there? actually, talking about eating you.

"Долбоеб." you muttered, sliding the door closed quietly when you safely retreated into the hallway.

you could only hope they'd be gone when you got back.

if not? well, you have kanzashi for a reason.

When You Become Friends

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