2. 25. 2. Baiting The Pawn

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"I came as soon as I got your call"

Ben comes through the double doors, rushing up the foyer and engulfs me into a assuring hug.

"I got in touch with your lawyers and the security team. They're on it. We've also alerted the police. Even though they were reluctant to investigate at first and engage into searching, after that phone call confirmation and considering it's a high profile individual involved, they've started all kinds of search. Hopefully, we should have an update soon", he rambles on the specifics.

Meanwhile, Liza rushes through inside with Camille on her tail. Not a few seconds after Olivia is also rushing through the doors, she gives me a look of pity maybe before rushing past us further into the house.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that", I say earnestly, feeling my shoulders sinking down.

Ben grasps my shoulder before squeezing it.

"How is she?", he asks, a bit unsure.

I know he's referring to Justine. I can't be thankful enough to him for bringing the girls with him. Justine really needs her people beside her right now more than ever.

"She's okay now. I have calmed her down enough that she's not crying now but...", I pause and sigh.

"I'm scared for her, for me, for mom, for Cole. God, I can't imagine. And it's so frustrating. I wish I could have called the cops on that fucker last night but...", I trail off, running my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Hey, it'll be alright. I have dealt with David before. He's all talk and hopefully he's just trying to invoke a scare out of you guys and nothing else. He's not capable of harming them. He's just a spineless asshole. They'll be okay, trust me", Ben reassures.

And it helps a little to have him here trying to control the situation while I'm still struggling to form a coherent thought.

"Come on, let's get you inside", he ushers me in towards the living room.

Liza, Camille and even Olivia are beside her on the couch, comforting her. She seems a bit disheveled then usual with her eyes slightly red and her face flush but when her eyes flick to mine, I can't help giving her a reassuring smile.

Surprisingly, she gives me one back before Ben jumps in to greet her. He fills her in on the situation and I see her rigid shoulders relax just a tad bit.

Minutes turn to hours and before we know it it's seven in the morning but not a wink of sleep in our eyes. Olivia and Camille fall asleep at some point on the large L shaped couch.

Having nothing to do and probably to distract herself, Justine brings out some blankets to lay it over them.

Liza follows a bit later around six and even Ben who's been on the phone getting updates the whole night takes a quick nap in my room, not able to help himself.

The only people who are still awake is me and Justine. I'm standing in front of the massive floor to ceiling glass walls, gazing out at the sun rising to it's peak.

At some point Justine comes to stand beside me but I refrain from reaching out to her so she does it for herself.

"You know, it's nearly twenty four hours since I last saw him", she says, breaking the silence.

I turn to look at her only to find her gazing at the sun. There's a glass of wine in her hand as she takes a sip from it.

"We will find him, Jesse", I whisper out as if too afraid to break the silence.

But she doesn't say anything only stretches her arms out towards me and bury her face in my chest.

"Thank you for everything. Thank you for being here", she whispers out and I feel a slight wetness soaking my shirt.

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