1. 22. Conspiracies

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Next morning waking up was a task in itself.

Liza got ready way too early like it was a usual routine for her. She woke me up after she was ready to go and dragged my ass to my car before driving it to my apartment.

God bless such friends, I swear.

Liza obviously further dragged my ass back into my apartment and ordered me to get freshened up because we needed to eat breakfast as well before heading to the office.

I had to groan in protest but all in vain as I know she's stubborn as a wall so I had to oblige.

Also, she's been taking a lot of workload on herself. I think it's about time I remedied that aspect of her life.

And also get serious about my work.

Lord knows, I've been having a vacation for the longest time ever while also being on the job.

Weird, right? I know.

Somehow, we still manage to make it to the nearest Cafe for some coffee and bagels; even gossiped along the way as we made it onto our floor.

Almost everyone was already at their stations and onto work. Can't say, I wasn't proud of my team, they're amazing to be honest.

What I wasn't expecting though was my number one rival in the business to be snooping around my files that were on my desk, in my office.

The moment I open the door to my cabin, I immediately spot the blonde mane of hair that's sifting through my files completely unaware of my presence.

So I clear my throat to get her attention.

She immediately turns around, composed as ever as her silver eyes pierce into mine with the same challenge she's been giving me for the past few years.

"Were you done? Or do you still have some spying to do?", I say in a clipped tone.

"Oh no, don't mind me. I'm just here for some friendly talk is all", she folds her hands on her chest elegantly as she fixes me with a smile.

I roll my eyes at her instead before making my way around her to the back of my desk.

"Cut the crap, Kaitlyn. What do you want?", I place my bag and coffee on the desk and mirror her stance more curtly.

She gives me an appalled look.

Oh, the audacity.

"Honey, why would you think that I've an ulterior motive behind this visit? Can't I just come to rekindle our friendship? Ever thought of that?", she challenges me with a brow raised at me.

I frown at her this time.

"You and I both know how that's not a possibility. And as much as I would love to see your face every day in the morning? I would rather not. Especially in my office.", I lean on my desk with my hands resting on it.

She flips her hair back as she blinds me with another smile.

"Fine. I just read on some article how you and Clinton Valsera are canoodling all over the city. Weren't you with Jason Faux?", she squints her eyes at me in confusion.

And that's when I know its all a ruse.

She's behind something. There's something just brewing in her head, I can tell.

"No, we're best friends. That is all. I'm dating Clinton though. I hope that sums everything up. Now would you mind?", I gesture towards the door behind her.

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