1. 21. 2 Interrogation (Part 2)

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Jason didn't come back until half the day was gone and I was deep in my covers, hiding my already red-from-crying face.

I just heard the front door open and being slammed again. Though when I checked, he only came back for his clothes, probably from his whole week vacation he had here.

I really need to stop giving my spare keys to everyone I know, honestly.

Everyone just barges in whenever the hell they want.

On the other hand, Clinton didn't text me like usual for most of the day. Probably because he already told me, he would be busy in a conference for most of the day. And I'm glad for that.

I wanted to have some alone time without the boys for at least a day anyway.

Maybe this was for the better.

I think to myself as I drive over to Liza's to spring on her a much needed girl's sleepover.

It's almost 7pm right now. And I still can't get out the revelations Jason told me today. They're a bad whirlwind of storms brewing in my head.

I can't believe Jason brought his father into the matter. To use such a sensitive topic as a form of backlash is so beneath him, I almost believe he's telling the... truth.

But that can't be. Clinton would've mentioned it. It just doesn't add up. All this brain wracking will seriously give me a concussion if I don't let it out. And the best source is definitely Liza.

I finally pull into her apartment building and make my way up to her through the elevator.

As soon as the doors open to her floor, a women rushes past me into the elevator, hiding her face behind her hands as I catch her sounds of sobbing.

Oh, dear.

I turn the corner just in time to catch Liza standing with her door open, standing with a dead expression on her face and a far away look in her eyes.

I stop short as I realize where her gaze is fixed at and I turn around to the sight of the elevator doors closing with that raven haired women inside.

I turn around to Liza and frown.

That girl definitely looked familiar.

And that's when it clicked.

"She is that gala girl!", I snap my fingers in glee as the pieces fit together.

"What? No", that snaps Liza out of her daze as she fumbles with her words, hesitating.

"What the hell, Liza!", I hit her on the arm with the bag of takeout I brought with me.

"Ow!", she fliches away, rubbing the sore spot where I hit her.

I glare at her and push past her inside her apartment. She follows me inside a second later.

I place the bags on her kitchen counter and turn around to face her, crossing my arms with a stern expression on my face.

"Okay, I'm sorry", she looks away.

That further deepens my frown.

"Now I know the reason behind your workload, the avoiding and all the weirdness that you're behaving and quite honestly, this wasn't what I was expecting. I'm hurt, Liza", I pout, letting all my feelings out.

"Well, touche. You and me both, chica", she heads for the refrigerator and takes out a bottle of beer before opening it and taking a huge swig out of it.

I look at her in concern.

Her eyes scrunched up, dark circles evident beneath her eyes and the usual shine in her personality almost dimmed to none.

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