1. 25. Again

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To say I was nervous yet bubbling with excitement the whole drive to Jason's, would be an understatement.

I was practically glowing in the sunlight that streaked into the car through the windows.

Jason might not be that thrilled to see Clinton but I think he deserves to know the truth.

And so does Clinton, who really needs to relieve some tension in his shoulders considering he's always stressed out.

I turn my head to the side to look at him driving leisurely through the traffic of the city.

A smile instantly graces my lips and I grasp his hand on the gear to squeeze it one time in affection before withdrawing.

What greets me is another sight to behold.

Clinton looks over at me, only to smile back before resuming his driving.

Though I sense the tension in his shoulders, the worry lines on his forehead and the slight frown that's marring his face when he's not looking at me.

"Hey", I reach out to his hand again out of instinct.

"It's going to be alright. I'm sure he'll understand and even if he doesn't, I'll knock some sense into him for you", I vow obediently before offering him a smile.

His face instantly lights up as he chuckles at my antics before he replies.

"You would beat up your best friend for me? Geez, I'm some lucky boyfriend, huh? Aren't I?", he playfully replies while his eyes still remain on the road as he navigates through the traffic.

I shove his shoulder lightly before leaning over and biting his neck only to kiss it over and smoothen it out.

I see as his muscles strain underneath my touch and something dark starts swirling in my belly again.

"Don't do that", he groans as he shifts a little in his seat to get more comfortable while still being focused on the road.

I smirk at that.

"Or what?", I push him further as I bite my lip.

I see his arms straining as he strains himself from doing something.

"Don't tempt me, baby", he huskily whispers.

And I gulp down the sexual tension in my throat.

Just when I thought he couldn't get any hotter...

I chuckle lightly and shift back to my seat, gazing outside, awaiting the much awaited destination.


As soon as we reach Jason's apartment building, we head up the elevator to the penthouse.

I sense a little bit of Clinton's nerves and grasp his hand in mine, in hopes of providing him some comfort which works as I see him give me one of his rare soft smiles.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'll help you out, I promise", I reassure him.

He smiles back, a little nervously and looks ahead, waiting for the elevator doors to open.

As soon as we reach the penthouse, the elevator opens with a faint ping and we walk inside onto the marble floor, quietly.

Reaching the foyer, I realize the living room is empty.

That's strange... did he forget I was coming.

Upon further noting, I realize even the lights are out, it's like nobody is home.

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