2. 12. Weary

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As soon as I was over with my hangover or so I thought, I called in George to pull up the car and set off for work.

Even though I scrubbed myself to almost skinning my skin, the pain from my head and the sleep from my eyes didn't waver one bit.

Still I pushed forward.

On the way over, I dialed mom to inform her on the bullshit lawsuit Justine told me about before.

"Hey, mom"

"Hey, I was just about to call you", her voice is too preppy for a morning like this.

She seems eager but I have to let her know about the most important matter at hand first.

"Whatever it was, I hope it can wait because there's a lawsuit in my hand and guess who gave it to me? Justine", I tell her holding in my yawn.

"What? What happened?", she sounds shocked.

"I don't know but its something about patent. The document says stealing our technology and fraud which is absolutely ludicrous. Justine says it's one of the board members. Can you look into it for me as soon as possible?", I ask her, hiding from the sunlight that's creeping in through the windows of the car.

"Don't you worry, I'll talk to the board. You carry forward as usual"

I sigh in relief.

"Just see to it that it's done by today because Justine literally threw it in my face with the warning of bringing her attorney tomorrow if the charges aren't dropped in a day", I scratch my neck out of habit.

"I'll talk to her too. You just focus on work"

"Thanks mom"

"Anything for you, honey"

"I'll see you at lunch then?", I ask her, not sure if she'll say yes to it.

"Of course, book a table at my favorite restaurant. I hope you remember...", she trails off.

Still testing me, always preparing me.

I hold in my chuckle, smiling.



By the time it's lunch, I'm so deep in work. I don't even notice mom entering my office until she clears her throat. Proud and smiling at me.

I give her a sheepish look.

"Just a few more minutes, I'll just finish this up and we'll get going"

"Okay", she nods, settling down in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

My sleeves rolled up and eyes deeply focused. I notice her gaze every once in a while observing me and try to not get unnerved by it.

A few minutes later, I'm leaning back into my chair. Stretching my back once and get up to put on my blazer that's leisurely thrown around my chair.

"Let's go"

She nods at me again, silent and swift in her movements. Leading me out of my office, she doesn't utter a word.

Employees greet us, left and right. Some stare and don't even hide it. Some just scurry away. Like little mouses being chased away by two big cats.

Almost makes me crack up but I hold myself back and keep a straight face.

We head to mom's favorite restaurant in silence. Once we're there, we're shown to our table.

Once we're left alone and seated, I try to make small talk but mom just tunes it out. Her hands clasped on the table in front of her and a blank expression on her face. As if she's lost somewhere, here but not here.

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