2. 11. Conundrum

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Inhaling it in, I let it wander down and about before blowing it out.

The wind whips past me as I stand alone in the empty graveyard with just a cigarette in hand.

I smoke occasionally but today I needed it. Hopefully, I don't make a habit of it.

I look down at the headstone I'm standing next to and the flowers in front of it. I had read somewhere once that poppies were a sign of peace after the end of something.

Pretty ironic but I didn't know how else I would've done justice to the situation.

Clinton's grave was the last place I wanted to be right now.

I had avoided Justine for the better half of a month, it was pretty easy considering she wanted to avoid me too.

I had caught upto the work, I had made sure I was upto my neck deep into work this entire time. If only to avoid Justine or even let the thought of her enter my mind.

It was until Ben stopped me, only to lead me here.

'It's fitting', he had said when he left me all alone here for some peace and a breather.

It's the first time I've visited the grave since I came back. I feel a bit of an asshole but...

I watch as the sun goes down on the horizon that's painted into the pinks and purples of the skies.

A beautiful sight indeed and to some degree it did sate me. But after a while, my thoughts start wandering back to her.

With a little less ache now and not so strong either but something missing.

I can't describe the feeling, it's like a pebble in a still water. Peace yet only a small thing like stone to mess everything up.

I stomp onto my almost finished light.

Giving a last bittersweet look at the headstone, I scoff to myself.

"Lucky bastard", I mutter into the whipping wind and make my way back.


"Let's go out for some drinks", Ben calls out to me as soon as he enters my office.

"Ben-", I start.

But he cuts me off.

"I'm not hearing anything, you're coming", he announces with a finality in his voice.

"Benjamin", I warn him.

He scowls. He hates being called by his full name. Almost makes me chuckle.

"I was about to say, yes", I tell him and start packing my stuff.

"Like you had a choice", Ben chuckles.

I give him a look at that.

"Oh, come on", he bellows.


We have drinks and alot more would be an understatement. I had missed this. Going out with fellow colleagues and all the bullshit that comes along.

By the time I get home with a cab, I try to get my ass inside my penthouse without tripping every two steps.

I was expecting my penthouse empty as usual. What I wasn't expecting, was Justine, pacing my living room.

I stumble into the foyer opening upto the living room which draws her attention.

She stops pacing and starts up towards me until she realizes, I'm drunk off my ass.

Her steps falter and her expression becomes furious. That doesn't stop me from walking in her direction.

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