2. 25. 3. Safer In Your Arms

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Walking across the road, I make it to the coffee shop. I place an order to be delivered to our apartment and while it's being prepared, take a seat on one of the vacant booths.

As soon as I'm in the seat, a message pops up with the address. I take a deep breath and look around once, checking to see if someone's keeping an eye on me or if it's just a fluke. Not wanting to risk it and thinking twice, I give into to what I'm about to do.

I just hope David is as shortsighted as Ben said.

I stand back up and approach the counter in the guise of paying up for the coffee. While I'm making the payment, as sly as I can be, I motion the employee behind the counter as subtly as possible to meet up with me in the washroom with just a tilt of my head.

I make haste to the washroom as soon as I'm done with payment. Hoping the employee follows me.

Once I'm inside the washroom, I check all the booths finding them empty. A few seconds later, the same employee enters through the door of the washroom and I'm relieved he understood the message.

Here's to hoping everything smoothens out immediately afterwards. I explain him the situation and forward him the address with the request to writing it up and sending it to our apartment in hopes it gets to the hand of all those officers upstairs.

We wrap it up quick and I go out first and immediately make it to my car.

As soon as I'm seated in my car, I pull up the address on my phone, plugging it in the navigation.

It seems to be a place on the outskirts of the city. My heart is beating loudly in my chest as  I navigate through the city. Driving like a mad man, it's a surprise nobody is charging me for speeding up. Although, as I'm driving through I see a car behind me which has probably been following me ever since I left the coffee shop and as I reach the outskirts of the city where the traffic is a bit scarce, my suspicion turns solid.

I don't pay it any attention, just hoping that Ben and the police have received my message.

The address leads me to a place in the middle of nowhere. There's nothing in sight except for a huge warehouse.

There is a stable beside it and I can hear the horses inside as I park the car in front of the warehouse.

I get out and survey the place, looking for anything that could prove to my advantage.

I hear the car that was following me park as well, beside mine.

Two men get out of it and I see the guns in their hands before I can see their face, making me grit my teeth.

Something flashes in the back of my mind for a split second, like I've seen something like this before.

But I shake my head before looking back at them.

The one with the ridiculous mustache tilts his chin to the side and motions for me to go ahead.

My fists clench at my sides but I still take one step at a time forward. And they follow up behind me.

I hear the sound of the a gun clocking out behind me like a warning going out that this was maybe not my one of my brightest ideas.

But I still move forward, I had to see they're okay. I had to make sure they're fine.

Soon enough we're standing in front of the small door leading inside and one of the guys behind me, comes forth.

The one without the mustache, he seems a bit brooding but he knocks on the door in a coded way.

A second later the door opens, the brooding guy pulls me by the arm and shoves me inside with a force.

My eyes take a few seconds to adjust to my new surroundings after having been in the bright sun as I stumble on my feet a little.

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