1. 1. The Date

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No time to breath, only work, work, work, work, work. Working late as usual has become more like my daily routine. Even though I know my secretary has left, I'm still running through last minute things.

Arranging appointments despite the fact that right now I should be home, sitting on my couch and stuffing my face in front of the TV which is also a part of my daily routine.

My life is pretty simple and I like it that way.

The only difference is...

My phone starts ringing.

Sighing, I blow my pin-straight, ginger hair out of my face in exhaustion.

The only difference is, I don't have a single day off or peace in my life.

Picking up the phone, I look at the caller ID.

'Clark Valsera's' name flashes on it.

I gulp down the instant tension in my throat that comes up at that name and answer without a second thought.

"Hello Mr. Valsera, how may I help you? I hope everything is as you requested?", I ask him while arranging some papers on my desk.

The tension in my shoulders increasing by the second.

Mr. Valsera is one of my many regular clients and he's always been satisfied with every single date that I have arranged for him in the past.

Be it ranging from a loud ambience to a calming and peaceful one.

The only problem with him is that he hasn't been able to snag up a single one of his dates for more than a month. It's always been temporary for him but surprisingly he still tries every month and contacts me despite it all.

I don't know if it's a plus point or not, the guy's too intimidating for me considering he's a CEO and very demanding.

"Ms. Bell, the place is perfect but there's a slight discrepancy that has occurred. I would really appreciate it if you could come down here and take a look by yourself", he says.

His commanding voice has me alert in a second and I still in my position.

"What happened? Is everything okay?", I ask him, careful as I walk on thin ice.

I can literally feel my ears twitching in alarm because this is honestly not what I was expecting.

A loud beep echoes through my phone indicating Mr. Valsera has already hung up on me.

I frown at the phone.

Not to brag but I'm the best in business. The trophies on my wall speak for themselves.

Hence, getting a phone call this late at the time of the day from an unsatisfied customer is anything but a mood-lifter on right now.

He's a billionaire anyway, I would be fired by the morning if I didn't tend to his needs.

Shaking my head at the situation specially when my body is protesting, I dump all the papers and pack my things.

Might as well be a sign from God to loosen my work load a bit.

Keeping that thought aside I grab my things and head out of the door, locking everything up and checking them twice.

I dash towards my sleek silver-gray BMW and instantly get on the road.

Half way through, my phone starts ringing again as I approach a red light.

Easily maneuvering through the traffic I pick my phone and look at the caller ID.

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