2. 3. Mom

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My gaze follows mom to Justine and back to that kid, repeating it all over again.

This is not happening.

My head instantly travels back in time and runs through different scenarios that ensued before my leaving the country. But nothing adds up.

I never slept with Justine and this kid looks nothing like me. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered if I did sleep with Justine though.

Justin's face is scrunged up in confusion while mom on the other hand just looks guilty.

"Hey, you brought the rude guy", the kid crosses his arms and turns towards me.

My eyebrows disappear into my hairline.

Rude guy? Seriously?

"Cole, honey. What are you talking about?", mom pulls him to face her, again.


So that's his name. I can't help the familiar feeling I get as I look at him again.

Justine on the other hand hasn't said much of anything. She's quietly watching the whole conversation unfold.

"He slammed into me this morning on my way out of your office", Cole says, straight through his teeth without a moments hesitation.

"What?", Justine and I exclaim together in shock.

We glance at each other frowning.

"I did no such thing. He's lying", and even though the words come out a little in disbelief, I can't help but feel like a whining child myself.

"Cole", Justine says and you can hear the warning in her tone.

"I'm telling the truth", his voice wobbles and he buries his face into mom's neck, hugging her tightly as if she's going to shield him.

"Jason?", mom frowns at me and I look at her incredulously.

"Are listening to yourself? Why would I-", I stop mid-sentence and rub my face in frustration.

I look at the kid and I know what to do next.

I crouch next to mom and look the kid in the eye trying my best to be gentle and tell him.

"Look buddy, I'm sorry if I hurt you, that wasn't my intention. I didn't see you coming. I should've. I'm sorry", I tell him but make no move to touch him.

His green eyes implore into mine and a second later, I swear I see him smirk before it's gone the next blink.

"Apology accepted", he says innocently and runs back to where he came from.

A second later, a fourth voice interrupts from behind us.

"Well, I'll be damned, I've never seen this bastard apologize to anyone before. Except for you two, of course", Ben points to mom and Justine as he comes in through the elevator, swaggering.

Justine rolls her eyes before looking at me.

"I'm so sorry. He's still learning alot many things and-", Justine starts but I stop her with a flick of my hand.

"It's nothing", I tell her, earnest.

She nods in a 'I'll explain later' way as Ben comes to her side.

"Wine?", he extends the bottle of wine he brought with himself, smiling at her.

She rolls her eyes at him again, playfully. I narrow my eyes at the exchange as a streak of jealousy thrums in my veins.

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