2. 1. I'm Back

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I feel the shadows of the skyscrapers on my face, rushing by as I lean back in my seat.

My eyes scan the city like a map of its own, as the car moves at a slow pace in the heavy traffic.

It feels like nothing has changed. The people, the city, the skyscrapers, everything feels the same and yet somehow everything has changed.

Or maybe it's just me who has.

My faint reflection in the window stares back at me and I watch the fine lines of my now rugged face, far from the delicate features I once held.

Somehow, my face has hardened and once where there was a smile before now lays a thin line of nothingness; blank like my soul.

I left for America, a day after I received the letter. And here I'm now, a little nervous, fidgeting yet somehow a numb sort of calm as my heart palpitates in my chest rapidly.

I can already tell from the familiar neighborhood that we're about to arrive. The realization does nothing to calm my nerves down, it's really unsettling.

When I arrived at the airport earlier, I was greeted by none other than George, my driver and good ol'mate.

I wasn't surprised to see him.

I knew mom could never come with her medical conditions and the flits of paparazzi always around her like hawks.

Thankfully for me though, paparazzi was nowhere in sight, up until now.

We pass by my old apartment building, in front of which there were already a bunch of paps flitting about.

"I think someone might've seen you after all at the airport, Mr. Faux", George comments.

A small smile makes an appearance on my face at that.

"We'll take the old exit", I say, sighing.

"Yes, sir", he nods.

Soon enough, we parked in the parking lot and I made my way to take out my bags from the trunk.

From the corner of my eye, I watch George approaching me, his hands raised as if ready to protest.

"It's okay, George. I'll take it from here", I nod at him as I fish out my bags, one after the other.

I only had two anyway, I didn't see the need for George to carry them for me.

Closing the trunk, I put on my backpack over my shoulder before turning to George.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?", I tell him, smiling at him gently.

I hug him without an invitation and he seems taken aback for a second before returning the gesture, making my smile widen.

There's just something about familiarity that warms your heart instantly, isn't it?

I pat his back before withdrawing and turning around to head towards the familiar elevators that lead to me my sweet penthouse.

Halfway through, I hear George call out for me.

I turn around to face him.

"Your keys", he says as he raises a card.

Meeting me, halfway through he gives it back to me.

"Thanks", I say to him as I take the card and make for the elevator again.

Until his hand on my arm stops me. I turn around, my eyebrows furrowing.

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