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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Running out of the large entry doors, still wiping her face, she ran down the stairs to see a black Rolls-Royace sitting in front of the curb of the building.

She opened the door go into the car and close herself in.

"We must get back to the theatre. Let's hurry." And Hana drove off into the city to drive back to the theatre to make it to the opera in just enough time.

Although, sitting in the backseat, Y/n continued to cry seemingly nonstop while the sullen memories continued to linger through her mind.


"N/n my darling..." the man kneeled down to her eye level to talk to her. "I need you to be strong for me..."

"But-but- mommy!"

"Shhhh my love..." he said rubbing her face, trying to keep himself from tearing up.

"Where is she! When is mommy coming back?!" Screaming and almost throwing a tantrum everything in the room started glowing a deep shade of purple and started rising, including her father.

"Y/n my love..." he took a deep breathe before speaking. "Your mommy is not coming back..."

She started to hyperventilate, making it harder to breathe and cry. And to that she cried even harder.

"I know N/n..." He grabbed hold of her to bring her into a tight embrace. "I know, we will get through this, together" Young Y/n cried into her fathers chest deeply, and chocked on her breathe as found memories flowed through like water.

Her father hugged her tighter, and started crying on her as well, knowing that she was the last thing that he had from his late wife.

"Where is she going Daddy..." she asked, as both him and her were floating a few inches above the ground.

"She is going...." He paused. "She's going to a very beautiful place, where she may life peacefully for the rest of her time.

"Why couldn't she stay?! Does Mommy not want to be with us?!"

"No baby. It was just her time to part from us."

"Why Daddy." Looking up from his chest snot nosed and teary eyed. "Why did Mommy have to leave."

"Like I told you, it was just her time." They stayed in the same position for awhile until they finally were both let back onto the ground and the tears slowly stopped.

"Let me show you something darling," he stood up carrying his daughter out of her room. "I'm going to show you a song that you mother loved. When he first met she was listening to this song, and as our relationship grew, I learned it just for her, and now I would like to show it to you now." And as he held her, he walked her into the piano room that went from having a bright beautiful aura to a dreadful sullen one.

Y/n began to cry again as she stood backstage with her violin in her hand about to go on stage.

She wiped her face, and swallowed hard while she tried to pull herself together.

The director was on stage, giving the audience a few words of his gratitude of the lard crowd that was gathered there tonight.

"And with that, the show must go on.
Enjoy." The crowd cheered and applauded as the lights slowly dimmed, and as practiced, Y/n walked onto the dark stage and began to play before the lights brightened again.

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