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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Y/n slowly started to open her eyes to be greeted by a bright ceiling and the smell of antibiotics.

Y/n sat up to see an elderly woman watching them from the bedside.

"The infirmary?"

"You're finally awake" She heard.

She looked up towards the doorway to see Katsuki walking in with a bottle of water with a relived look on his face. He walked up to the side of her bed placing the bottle of water on the side desk before yelling at her.

"Are you crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you? Passing out in the middle of the fucking street like that? You could have busted your head open?!" Y/n rolled her eyes listening to him complain about the small incident.

"Ouais je comprends. Calmer." The girl said as she kicked her feet off of the bed, and sitting up while she rubbed her eyes.
Translation: "Yeah I get it. Calm down."

"And what the hell was that?!" He also adds, crossing his arms with such attitude and irritation watching as she brushed it off as it was something to be taken lightly.

"I just passed out. oh mon Dieu. It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal? When the hell did you start having regular passing out sessions?" He asked.

"I'll tell you about it later. Oh! And also I got it approved that if anything happens here on campus, I'll have to stay with you all." She said grabbing her phone from her pocket and getting up to leave the infirmary.

"You're staying with us again? How come I didn't know? And why didn't I know that you were coming back today? Does that hag know?" Rampaging her with many questions that he had been waiting to ask all day. She laughed at his straightforwardness, and answered all of his questions as they both walked back to their dorms.


A few hours had passed since Y/n little incident. And she was back in her dorm done with her shower, to be greeted by all the boxes and luggage that was previously set in place, with the help of Bakugou a couple hours ago, she sighed.

Holding the towel to her body, she reached down to open a suitcase, taking out some clothes to wear to bed. A random shirt and some shorts.

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