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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

The night was young. And Y/n was taking a stroll in the hours of darkness. The breeze was not as cold as it usually was this time of night. It was more comfortable, but you still needed a jacket.

It was competition season, and Y/n had been in and out of school and district to make it to the competitions that she signed up for recently.

School has been going exceptionally well, and her quirk has been getting stronger and more controlled. But she has been passing out more often, and been short of breathe a lot more than usual. Professor Aizawa told her to try limit what she did per day, and at every training session, him monitoring some himself. But she felt like she was in her prime, she didn't want to stop now because if she stopped she wouldn't keep her progress streak.

She breathed in the cold fresh air and walked down the concrete sidewalk with her hands in her pockets. Turning the corner, and then walked down the sidewalk until she saw the illuminating sign of the convenience store.

She opened the door, and the bell made a sound, and she greeted the woman behind the counter with a good evening and started into the store looking around aimlessly.

She goes to the chip section of the store and picks out a bag of chips before she heads to the refrigerators that were fully stocked. Y/n grabbed a bottle of water, and continued browsing throughout the store to make sure there wasn't anything else she had wanted. She came across the candy aisle to see the familiar variety of foreign candy that she passed by every time she came into the store for a late night snack. She went down the aisle a little and looked and before she starts to actually look for a pear-flavored snack, the girl notices someone else in the same aisle as her. And when she looked at him, they both made eye contact.

The eye contact lasted less than a few seconds before a grin appeared on her face, trying to hide it before it turned into an large beam across her face.

The eye contact lasted longer as she became mesmerized by the green eyes that she was looking into. She tilted her head to the right, the person standing in front of her accidentally doing the same.

"Let's hurry up before we get in trouble." She said, and then Midoriya made a quick x over his chest and whisper

"Stealth mode!" Y/n laughed heartily at him, and put her finger over her mouth as if she was telling him to be quiet.

The also smiling boy standing in the same aisle steps forward and takes the things from her hands, and brings it to the register, with her following.


This became a occasional routine. On sporadic nights they'd accidentally run into each other on the same aisle every time, they're both laugh, he'd take her stuff, but it for her, and they'd both rush back to the dorms in fear of being caught. This irregular regime never changed, and it always make Midoriya the utmost happy.

"No Izuku, you're only saying that you don't want to do it because your nerves are getting to you." Y/n told him while she closed her drink and sat it down on the coffee table.

"No I'm serious I don't know!" Her voiced. "I don't think I'm ready enough right now, maybe I should wait ti-"

"Nonsense!" Adjourning his statement. "If you quit on it now then you'll quit on it the next time, and if you quit on it that time you'll create a pattern and you'll never do it."

Midoriya's competition was in a few hours and he was up worrying with Y/n instead of getting the proper amount of rest, and getting rid of his anxious nerves overnight. If he was scared now, what was he going to look like in the morning.

Eating his snacks he drooped his head over the back of the couch in a childish mannerism, taking a long deep breathe out.

"You're right I've been waiting to do this for too long." Sitting back of straight. "I shouldn't quit now."

"Now that's the spirit!" Y/n nudged his knee with her hand and stood up to throw away her chip bag. "I promise you, once you get in stage you won't be nervous anymore. And I personally think it's a bad idea for you to be worrying yourself about this anyways Mon amour."

"Well, I think you being here and reassuring me is the best cure for my anxiety." He said in a somewhat suggestive way, making her laugh while she sat back down in the couch.

"Well I'm glad that us talking is apparently soothing your nerves." Making air quotes before she took another sip of her drink.

"I think it's just you."

She took a paused and then thought about what she was to say to him."What do you mean?"

"I mean, I think you just being here is helping, I mean it helps everything..." Turning towards her, he stared ever so deeply into her eyes, watching her pupils dilate as she was slowly being drawn in by what he was saying.


"I don't know what you do, but every time I'm with you, it feels like all of my problems disappear..." Sitting up and subtly moving closer to her, making the girl retract her breathe, and look slightly up at him. "Me just hearing your voice just makes all my mood better..." Leaning in closer, making Y/n subconsciously lick her lips, and her eyes dart from his eyes to his lips over and over again. Anticipation starts to build, and their faces are only inches apart, Y/n hitching her breath. Midoriya tilts his head to the right as he is continuously getting closer until he-

He felt a hand on his chest. Y/n's face was bloodshot red, and she was breathing heavily, looking up at him while he hovered over her. She swallowed hard, and to keep her balance she used her other hand to keep herself from falling and placed it behind her.

"I think you should rest for the night." Making no eye contact, looking down at her lap. "You have a really big day tomorrow and I don't want you to be tired." Muttered just loud enough so that he could hear her. Midoriya licked his lips, looked her up and down, and gave her a cheeky smile.

"You always take such good care of me." With a genuine heartwarming smile which made Y/n's heart flutter.

A quick peck on the check was given to the young and Midoriya quickly stood up and walked to his dorm without another word.

"What the hell just happened?!

"What the hell did I just do?!"

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