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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Y/n woke up earlier than her alarm was originally set. Deciding to get up and get herself ready. Shewent to the shower, cleaning up, slipped on a white button down, and a black pencil skirt, no jewelry, and black babydoll heels.

She took her time to get ready because she had some time to waste. She scrolled through social media as she brushed her teeth, and started her record player putting on a vinyl to spin as she got dressed.

Soon after, she was ready still having time to spare. She then grabbed her phone from her desk, and crossover bag that was hidden inside of her totes. She took the time to then find her folder, keychain and took her black jacket that was hanging on her doorknob to open it to leave her room for the day.

I'm heading out. I'll see you later.


She left the train station having to walk 1 block in 20 degree weather, to have finally reached the Jionpa Superplex Convention Center where she could already see people entering the large building.

Walking up to the one of the nearest entrances that read Competitor entrance only she nodded to the security guard who stood near the door, passing him to made her way through.
Greeted by a warmer breeze, Y/n pulled out a card from her bag, showing it to the second door security giving him a subtle smile as she continued walking through the building. Walking down the lobby area she took a left, and walked down a dark hallway up to a door with a bright light shining from the crack of the door.
Y/n opening it to let herself through she saw girls doing their makeup at vanities or getting dressed in front of mirrors, and others talking or discussing matters of their own business.

"Bonjour, Bonjour." She greeted hearing some hello's and good morning's, as she made her way through the large, semi-crowded room. Going through another door that is in no vicinity to the first, she walked through. Going through that door, she came across a hall of elevators, clicking the arrow pointing up watching it light up.

Some moments later the door opened up for you to see an empty enclosed room she stepped inside and pressed the number 6 watching as it too, lit up. The door closed, and the room started going up. She turned around to see that the other side of the elevator was built with large glass walls, giving her access to see other auditorium rooms, with people on the stages, and some with no one on the stage, one with someone gaining a standing ovation, and one with someone still in the middle of their performance.

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