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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

It had been a couple hours since Midoriya, Bakugou, and Y/n had arrived back to the dorms and parted their separate ways. Y/n was in her room slowing trying to lift and place her whole desk carefully so that nothing on the desk would fall on the floor, and so that the desk would stay balanced.

Previously, Midoriya and Y/n were working mainly on control during their last couple training sessions, Ochaco aiding her as well since they had similar quirks.

She sat on her bed, straining her arms, while she had a pear in her mouth, immensely trying to keep discipline and lift the desk higher than a feet from the ground so that she could place it back on the floor carefully, and repeat the same process over again.

She was still hungry. And she thought about going to the convenience store down the street, but it would be boring if she went alone, knowing that Bakugou and the other girls would be sleeping at this time or getting ready to go to sleep, seeing that they had school. So, she decided she would just stay in her room and wait until in the morning to fulfill her hunger.

She moved the desk up a little higher than a foot, and put all the control onto her right have so that she could use her left hand pick up two pencils from her pencil holder that was sitting on the desktop.

Veins in her arms were distinctly visible. Her straining muscles and facial expressions were a key factor to see her concentration.

Y/n slowly moves the desk up and down as if she's lifting weights, when she gets a text from a phone that was from a person with superhero emoji in their contact na-


Everything she was wielding dropped, including the pear in her mouth when she suddenly lost one second of concentration, the desk making a crash onto the floor, along with the pencils that rolled somewhere. She cringed at the loud sound, and mentally apologized to whoever was living below her.

Y/n picked up her phone turned it on and clicked on the message that she received a few seconds prior.

Izuku Midoriya 🦸‍♂️

For the gala, if there anything
specific that you want me to

Or is a black suite just fine?

Y/n was in the commons room downstairs of the dormitories. The girl hugged her legs as she sat on the couch in front of the TV scrolling through her phone mindlessly, while the TV played at a low volume. The dormitories were quiet, and everyone was asleep, excluding Y/n. She sat, sometimes shifting her weight, or crossing her legs a different way-

She felt something behind her.

She froze and her fingers stopped scrolling. Whatever, or whoever it was, was trying to be quiet, but Y/n could still hear them for whatever reason. Y/n was very aware of her surroundings and had very keen hearing. Narrowing her eyes in confusion, she slowly placed her phone in her lap, and gazed into the wall behind the TV.

Y/n did not feel frightened, nor did she feel anxious. Although, she did feel alert. Even if it wasn't some "being" she felt as if someone was trying to scare her. It started getting closer, still hearing no footsteps, no quick movements. Seeming slow, but moving at a comfortable pace. She tilted her head, and continued to move into her thoughts, unknowing the presence getting to close behind her when it was-

Y/n's hand flew across her body, snd she whipped her whole body around to then suddenly hear a slap, and the feeling a hand gripping her wrist.

"Izuku what the hell!"

"Damn, you almost took my head off." The green hair boy laughed standing behind her still holding the hand that was only a few centimeters from harshly striking his face. Y/n breathily laughed and hung her head, her hair dropping into her face. "I thought I was being quiet?" He said.

"Well not quiet enough." Sliding her hand down from his face. "You almost gave me a heart attack! Are you trying to kill me? Mon Dieu!" Sitting up on her knees and grabbing his collar while he flaunted his hands in defensive. She lets him go and sits back on her backside.

"That's my mistake." Midoriya apologizes and hops over the couch, and sits next to her, supporting his head with his hand that was resting on the back of the couch. "I'm actually glad your down here. I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Batting his eyelashes, as he playfully twirled a strand of her hair.

"Now wanna flatter me after you've almost killed me." Switching her position again. To look away from him.

"If I were to flatter you, I think I'd like that reaction a lot more." He said under his breathe trying to go smile, and avoiding her eyes.


"I wanted to talk to you about the Gala."
Y/n turned to the green haired boy in curiosity to what he had to say and say in a more comfortable position.


He laughed slightly, and then a small smile peeled onto his face. Midoriya looked up at her, tucking the piece of hair that was in his hand, somewhere else in her hair, making eye contact he put his hand down feeling as it for a moment grazed hers and gave her such a heartfelt, warm, gentle, genuine smile that made her body want to explode into fireworks. Her eyes started turning into hearts for an instant as she gazed upon his beauty, and he gazed upon hers. The dark ambiance of the commons made it feel like that moment would last forever. Y/n swallowed hard, whilst her pupils started to enlarge, and her shoulders dropped, finally realized that she could still feel Midoriya's hand on hers.

"I would love to go with you."

Izuku Midoriya 🦸‍♂️

For the gala, if there anything
specific that you want me to

Or is a black suite just fine?

Yeah! A black suit will work
just fine. Tbh, it's whatever
you think will be best. You're
the one wearing it.

Yeah that's true lol. I
just wanted to make sure.

Oh also, can you re-send me the information, I accidentally
deleted it...

Note: Midoriya has no phone storage due to his very large All Might photo album that has conjured over multiple years in his phone.

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Thank you L/n☺️

You're very welcome🫶

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