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♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

Y/n Parted ways with their slightly strange friend Yuga who started a conversation with them as she was walking to class.

Soon, Y/n was lost in her own train in thought

Walking into her next class, she saw an almost empty classroom. Sunlight glistening through the class windows. A body was under a desk, presumably looking for something. Y/n stood there for a moment before taking a step inside the classroom. The person froze, making the french student stop as well. Whoever was under the desk started scrambling to get from under the desk, resulting in them hitting their head. Following with a feminine shriek of "Ow!" A girl quickly came from their previous position and stood up looking towards her.

"Oh! L/n, you scared me!" Ochaco says as her checked became red, and she was filled with embarrassment. Y/n looked her in a confused manner.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing under the desk?" Y/n laughed a little, walking up the brunette who was fixing her clothes.

"Well..." Dragging out her word "I was looking for a note I left here. You know, boy stuff." She giggled and winked at her. "I was told the boy i'm trying to get it to wasn't in here last period I'm trying to find it before someone else does...but i'm afraid i'm a bit too late..." She openly explained.

"Oh.." L/n started "Im sorry to hear that was it something important?" She asked in a concern manner bending over a little to see if she spotted the note she was talking about.

"No, not particularly...Well, there nothing I can do about it now can I..." More students started entering the class mindlessly as their conversation continued.

"Welp! I got to run! If you see the note pass it to me in homeroom tomorrow! Cya!" And out the door she went waving to her classmate.. Y/n staring at her classmate in confusion, waving goodbye laughing still processing what she had just ran across.

She snapped out of her daze and went
on to find an empty seat in the class when she then heard another shriek come from outside then door. A conversation came shortly after with it rapidly ending. As Y/n looked towards the door a green haired boy suddenly walked in.

Midoriya observed his surroundings and noticed his one of his fellow classmates. He noticed Y/n about to take her seat in the empty chair that she spotted before class started, waving to her throwing her a smile.

Y/n looked up, and smiled back while she took off her backpack and sat it in next to her chair on the floor. Unknowing that Midoriya had just taken his seat in the very same desk that the very loud, Uraraka was looking in as she walked into class.

L/n, payed it no mind as she starting to take her notebook out her class book, and pencil while she waiting for class to start.


The bell rang, and instead of heading to her next class, Y/n was walking to Mr.Aizawa office. She knocked on his door to here a quiet "come in" from the other side of the door. She walked in and thanked him for seeing her during his planning period.

"No problem L/n. Take a seat anywhere." He sat at a desk typing in his computer before turning his attention to Y/n.

She took a seat on the one of two couches that sat in the middle of his room. She excitingly tapped her feet on the ground and fiddled with her fingers as she looked around the room, assessing every detail of his office.

"So L/n." Gaining her attention he sits across from her on the other identical couch. "I was wondering what you actually know about this quirk of yours."

"Well.." she thought carefully before answering his question, finding it harder than she originally thought it was. "I know that I can move things, and make them float?" She paused thinking before continuing. "I also know that whenever I move those things they light up in this purple aura."

"Ok..that's good. Do you know like where this energy is generated from?" She nodded her head no.

"To what measures do you know your powers can exceed to?"

"Never really tried to find out."

"Have there been any major incidents where your quirk caused you to hurt someone by accident?"

"No one other than myself."

"Do you know if your quirk could be triggered by your emotions?"


"Can you only control your quirk within your thoughts?"

"Maybe through my hands?"

"Do people consider your quirk dangerous?"

"No one has every really seen it first hand."

"You were born with your quirk correct?"

"Pretty sure.."

"About how many pounds can you lift using your quirk?"


"Have you ever seen someone with a quirk similar to yours?"

"Not that I know of."

"You seem unsure of yourself."

"It's because I am."

Looking away from her, he pursed his lips and thought. She was completely clueless about her own quirk. Most parents tried to let their children embrace their quirks but this was completely different. She answered as if she had never even used it before.

He poked his tongue into his cheek as he and had an idea and thought that it would benefit both of them.

"I have a student that has the same trouble in his first year. And I think that you training and working with him would be a great help. You would do better working with someone younger than me since you both can relate. You know Midoriya right? He's in our homeroom class."

"Oh yes. I know him. We've met."

"Good. I want you to work with him. I'll give him a list of things for him to do, but training wise you can work with another one of our teachers."

They continued talking, Y/n excited that she was actually doing this. She smiled nodding at everything he said, and thanked him many times before she left him office to attend the rest of her classes.

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