Chapter 33: Truce?

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Summary: The crew have a tentative truce. Dreams ship can't leave, not unless they fix it which isn't anytime soon. So Phil is gonna- yes Wilbur they have to help them get planet side- no they won't leave them in the middle of space, we have manners.

Truce between Wilbur and Drista??? mayhaps?? pogchamp??

Also, someone please hide the eggs.



Ender: Hi how are yall? XD. I'd apologize for the wait but it'll be like 4 chapters in a row. I DID have things to say but i completely forgot so until further not- OH WAIT I REMEMBER okay. Chapter 1 has gone through a Cyber approved Edit! It's just easier to read now for those of you who read this more than once XD

Cyber: *demonic cackling* We have returned and I was given the writing stick this chapter my life is complete!!!

Alright carry on.


Tommy's POV (Mostly, bit of Drista to tho):

After a fair amount of screaming and panicked thrashing (mostly on Wilburs part as he warded off the vicious pen), Tommy eventually sends Shroud on another errand somewhere on the ship with a series of hisses and clicks

Finally Dream was able to successfully scan and check up on Tubbo. Tommy was next to Tubbo the entire time. As reassurance and just to keep an eye on Dream. But Dream never touched Tubbo, only doing so after quietly asking him for bruising and poking 3 spots and that's it.

First thing Dream did was check on the wings and write things down before actually checking up on the rest of the body. The crew keeping a close eye on him that Drista couldn't help but shudder at the intense attention being laid on Dream.

Dream either doesn't realize or is not acknowledging them, he just hums after patching Tubbos wounds up.

Then the Dreamon clears his throat and shows them the results on a screen.

(Note to readers: we will be including what Dream and the others say but be aware Tommy can't understand it anymore then he's been able to for most of this fic. The only time he gets answers are when the text is not in italics) "Good news and bad news. Good news is Tubbo will make a quick recovery. Bad news I can't say the same for his wings. Unlike other avian related species who have leather or feathers for wings, insect relative wings can't grow or make a large injury recovery"

Tubbo tenses before making a quiet 'oh' sound. Dejected. Tommy takes a wild guess from Tubbos reaction that the news isn't good. Tommy quickly looks up towards Drista.

"What did he say? Can he help Tubbo?"

He looks worried, his hands clenching and unclenching nervously. Drista looks at him with sympathy.

"He said Tubbo will make a full recovery, but his wings on the other hand won't regrow"

Tommy's expression falls quietly, looking mournful for Tubbo.

Dream looks over at Drista.

"I can... likely make a Prosthetic or patch for him. It will take awhile but I'm going to need something from either you or Drista"

Tommy tenses, but Drista just nods, she seems to know what Dream's getting at though based on her light grimace Tommy's not gonna like it..

"Oh jeez, are you talking about our nails?"

Drista hated when Dream had to use or copy cell structures to the closest materials. It's always so weird and tedious but she gets that sometimes that's what he needs to help people. Tommy just looks at Drista and then back at Dream, confused and marginally less tense since Drista doesn't look particularly upset, still he doesn't like the sound of what they are suggesting.

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