Chapter 32: Needs a Ladies touch

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Summary: Drista 100% is the one in charge and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. She's not playing any games here, she makes sure neither crew get at each others throats.

She's also Dreams Therapy Human.


Ender: I'M LATE I KNOW! To be fair, It was supposed to be a couple day break and then I blink and a month passes by. Crazy how time works huh? Dont' stop for nobody XD

Cyber: Drista is End's kryptonite and it is wild how a character she writes so well, caused her so much pain and grief XD. I loved helping with this chapter so much because she would take little tidbits I sorta guessed at and made them actually awesome. End's writing talent strikes again, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. (You, me the Denny's parking lot, for Ends honor I dare you!)

"Normal" = English

"Italics" = Common/Alien language


Drista sits in the main room of the Explorer sitting between the two crews as they stare at each other in an awkward sort of imitation of peace. Everyone is here, well everyone but Tommy. The first human she's officially met since leaving Earth and he passes out immediately. Rude. Like sure she gets this is probably a very stressful and scary for the teen, but it would have been nice to talk to another human in English that wasn't tainted by an accent....or well untainted by an alien accent. The teen sounded British, which ew, but it was still leagues better then Dream's weird sort of guttural music adjacent accent that he spoke with in any language. Dristas thoughts turned more fully towards the teen.

Other than the British accent, he'd seemed pretty...normal? Well, human and not odd looking, which was weird in and of itself since she had become so accustomed to the weird things that lived here among the stars. Regardless he was scarily thin even for his lanky and unfairly tall frame. Seriously, that much height was unnecessary. The audacity. She mentally forced herself to move on, on to something that tugged at her instincts oddly. His hair was blonde like hers, not sorta similar like Dreams was, but actual bright gold blonde that hung in a messy sort of matted curl that fell to his shoulders. It was familiar, achingly so. She pondered on the way that made her feel for a moment before deciding she didn't want to think about how wonderful it felt to see human hair, because that was weird and she was not weird.

Annnyways, so here they were sitting without the tee- no Tommy. They were here sitting in awkward silence without the human cause she'd left him in her room unconscious and came over here to try and settle down the tensions between the two crews.

She had left him on the floor- she's not going to put him on her bed, he smells strongly of some liquid. Like gasoline or something. When he wakes up she's chucking him in the shower until he smells anything but gasoline, it's making her stomach turn. Then after leaving his smelly butt to recover on its own she'd come and discovered that the two crews hadn't even tried to communicate with words while she was gone. Honestly she should probably focus on that very important detail, but for some UNFATHOMABLE REASON her thoughts kept circling back to the blonde haired idiot who's in her room.

Ok fine she's having a bit of a mental breakdown at the fact that there's another human- in her room! A human! She- it's not like she missed other humans but... it has gotten lonely. She hasn't seen another human since she's left earth. Well.... Technically there was this one time she saw a corpse of one. But she doesn't think that counts. So yea real human, a whole human is in her room. Maybe she's not as put together as she likes to think if this manages to set her so off kilter. Stars! This is so annoying!

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ