Chapter 18: Pack up!

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Summary: Wilbur and Techno try to adjust to the... new situation that has presented itself. They don't want to bring humans on board, Techno especially. Wilbur is more out of concern. But they know that the 2 teens will NOT be leaving Tommy and Tommy will not let them go off on their own.

They have to take the human with them.

The damn spider is also part of the package it seems.


Notes: I forgot to update it this morning! My bad!


Tubbo tries his best to explain to Wilbur and Techno the same thing he and Ranboo told Phil. Telling them about Tubbo being chucked into Tommy's cell, Tommy feeding and protecting him, keeping him warm, assisting in their escape, until he got to the part where Tommy was more survival ready than either of the 2 teens.

Techno looked at both of them, pure disappointment in his eyes,

"You're telling me, that with all of the survival lessons that I gave you to LEARN and USE during a dire situation like this, not one of them STUCK with you? None of them?!"

Tubbo shuffled uncomfortably before muttering

"Well I mean, we remember the steps? Get shelter, water-"

Techno cuts Tubbo off.

"That's not even the basics! Everyone knows that! Without the human, Ranboo would be starving and you'd be freezing! Ranboo's body does not produce any heat that could warm you up"

Both Tubbo and Ranboo look down, guilty expressions on their faces. Good, thought Techno, they deserved it. They really should have taken those lessons seriously, they are alive solely because of Tommy!

Then Tommy let out a growl, Techno immediately picked up that the growl was mostly just warning, fake, no real anger behind it. It didn't sound natural, but the intention to harm was there, a warning for if he went too far.. 'Tommy' apparently didn't like him scolding Tubbo or Ranboo.

Techno sent a narrow eyed glare in 'Tommy's' direction. Tough luck human, Those two needed to understand how this could have been a much more dire situation if they hadn't run into such a protective and survival ready human. They genuinely could have died.

He doesn't linger on that thought for long, they didn't die. Ranboo seems healthy, a little worn out, but alive. Tubbo also seems to be just fine aside from his injury, it doesn't look fatal. In fact it doesn't even seem to be bothering him since he's still just as chaotic as always. Techno supposes he has the human to thank for that.

Actually... Now that he has a better look at Tubbo, who's talking to Philza and Wilbur. Wilbur seems to be oddly quiet for the most part, and is staring at the human unbridled curiosity making his eyes glow brighter than normal. Techno can practically hear the overwhelming river of questions the phantomling is thinking. Tommy doesn't appear to appreciate Wilbur's curiosity and is glaring angrily back at him.

Techno shakes his head dislodging the thought. Right, Tubbo. He tilts his head slightly so he can better see the bandage around Tubbo's side. There doesn't appear to be any blood leaking through, nothing stains the cloth so no infection. He sniffs the air cautiously, no sickening scent of rot, not even a trace of blood. The injury worryingly has no smell at all, that or its old enough to be mostly healed. He decides to point this out to the others, with his usual graceful and tactful way of speaking. That is to say as bluntly as possible.,

"Tubbo, how long have you had that injury?"

Tubbo apparently had been attempting to hide the injury from Phil. Which, needless to say, was now pointless. Phil let out a horrified squawk and within seconds he was lunging forward to check on Tubbos injury- or trying to, the human let out a low snarling half roar and threw himself between Phil and Tubbo. Techno's hair stood on end. Damn! Where the hell had they managed to find such a protective human? Seriously he's never seen anyone more ready to go to battle than this human.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum