Chapter 16: Watch your head

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Summary: SBI get on planet and are like "Where the fuck are our kids? Why is everyone useless? Where's the human?

Philza: WHAT THE FU-


Notes: I don't really like this chapter this actually took me longer than the others purely because I genuinely didn't know what to put, bare with me, this is not one of my best chapters. I don't think so anyways, I edited this as much as I could.


"I'm gonna strangle Tubbo, I will, I swear I will" Wilbur gives an angered huff when he nearly trips over a root that uprooted itself out of the ground. It's been what? The 5th root? Techno gives no signs of reacting, but the way his nose twitches shows amusement.

It had to be planet For'estrx damn place was- well, a very dense forest. But Tubbo landed in the most dense part! None of the crew could figure out why Tubbo did that. The damn officer didn't believe them and had noted down that it was simply an error in the system that made them land in a different part of the planet.

Wilbur had a few choice words to say to them but unfortunately Techno and Phil stopped him from giving them a piece of his mind. Damn officers, you mention anything about species and it's all assumptions. Fucking pricks.

Phil stretched his wings out carefully, looking very tempted to start flying everywhere just to spot them. But there are strict rules on the planet, one such rule was do not do anything that could purposefully startle the animals living on planet. This includes flying, Phil is not a quiet flier.

The natives didn't hunt, especially not the wild animals, If they want to trade meat they would have livestock of animals shipped to them to start. Does that imply they have never used the animals on planet as livestock? Yes. It's almost like a religious thing with the planet, all the wild animals are sacred and only they can eat each other since they are animals.

They do however take advantage of the many fruits and herbs the planet naturally grows and offers. It's why it's so successful in the trade market, the planet grows all sorts of fruits in record time.

Now normally that would be great survival wise for Tubbo and Ranboo, But Ranboo eats meats strictly and neither boys know how to hunt properly, Ranboo lacks proper camouflage, unless he was skill enough to remain silent and still, and Tubbo is small, he would need to fly, but even his wings produce enough noise to upset the animal into a run.

It's been 3 cycles since the pod had landed, if the time frame the pod gave on planet was right. Ranboo could possibly be in critical health or would have managed to grab the rations quick enough before they crashed.

Phil trills worriedly, wanting to fly at breakneck speed and find those 2. Were they injured in the crash? Do they have shelter? Is Tubbo keeping warm?

Phil feels a hand on his shoulder and he nearly fucking squawked like a newborn Ivory. Techno rumbles out a calming growl that relaxes Phil. "We'll find them, both of them. Tubbo is smart and Ranboo is resourceful. I'm confident both of them are fine, have some faith in them"

"I do have faith in them, im just worried..." Phil let out another quiet trill, walking forwards headed to the closest town that is settled closest to the dense forest, they would be the ones best to ask about the forest and what to look out for, maybe even asking if they've seen the 2 teens.

Wilbur chuckles, trying to lighten the mood, "We know, you nearly killed all of us just to get to the ship and again to get to this planet" How their ship is still in one piece is astonishing really, blessed by the voids truly.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now