Chapter 15: Hugs calm the soul

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Summary: Shroud joins the Party!

Meanwhile Tubbo and Ranboo have accepted the fact Tommy now has a level 5 dangerous Arachnid as a pet and they somehow are not dead.

Tubbo also may or may not be slightly jealous.


Tubbo and Ranboo didn't know what to expect when they got back to the cave with the fruits. Maybe Tommy would be back. He was not back, they beat him to the cave first. Tubbo wasn't worried, confident that Tommy was just enjoying the fact that he was out for stars knows how long from that cell, or just from captivity in general.

So they wait right? They take and sort the fruit out, Tubbo explaining on some of the fruits he was familiar with, while the others he can only hope are still good for Tommy. So when they hear footsteps (loud footsteps mind you) they thought Tommy was back.

How the fuck were they supposed to react to seeing an Arachnid approaching the entrance with multiple glowing red eyes? And that the species was familiar to them. It was a level 5 'Strenx' Arachnid. Those fuckers are STRONG.

And who was on top of said fucker?

Their human, their psycho pack-bonding motherfucker. Who decided this creature will be his bestfriend. Tommy was riding on it's back, presenting this.. 'Shroud' spider to them...

He kept repeating Shroud so much that they understood at this point that Tommy will not be letting them go. This Arachnid is here to stay, and there was nothing either of them could do or say to convince him otherwise.

Ranboo knew humans had strong pack-bonding instincts, and Tommy seems especially affectionate. He's literally talking in an.. oddly weird higher tone than he normally uses to talk to Shroud. Cooing and rubbing Shrouds head.

At first Ranboo feared for Tommy's hand, but then he looks at said spider who was clicking and hissing into the hand, as if wanting more pats and decides that this is fine. It's completely fine, If Tommy was able to befriend a damn Strenx spider through affection then sure! Why not! Not the oddest thing to have happened all week, that's for sure. Just another item on the checklist to mark off.

He honestly doesn't really mind as much, yea it gave him one hell of a scare when he saw him approaching the cave, but was... less scared when he saw Tommy on top of it. Don't get him wrong, seeing a human on top of said spider was terrifying all on it's own, but neither seemed aggressive towards each other. If anything the spider really liked Tommy's hugs and pats.

So does he mind Shroud now? Not as much anymore, spider didn't even bother to care about them really, only seemed to have interest in Tommy.

Tubbo didn't like the spider.

He can think of 2 reasons really.

Tubbo was small, and a prey species that was similar to another species on planet, a species that falls prey to the arachnids species, especially the big ones. Hopefully Shroud wouldn't look at Tubbo and see him as a meal. He doesn't think Tommy would allow it though, Tommy did not go through wrecking an entire ship of any guards that dared cross his path to protect Tubbo only to let his pet spider eat him.

He also thinks Tubbo is jealous.

"I'm NOT fucking jealous Ranboo" Now if that wasn't denial he doesn't know what is. He can literally see Tubbos ears flicking constantly, he does that when he's agitated or annoyed. And he keeps stealing glances at Shroud, who still has Tommys attention on him.

Ranboo lets a smug expression grow on his face, "uh huh, right, are you just mad he hasn't acknowledged the fact we got him some food or is it that he brought something else to fawn over?" Tommy hadn't seen the laid out fruit, seemingly showing Shroud the cave, as if giving him a tour.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now