Chapter 12: Let there be fire!

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Summary: Landing (crashing) the pod, They escape through the forest and find themselves a decently deep cave to hide in, neither of them are.. really good at things survival wise. Luckily Tommy wakes up and despite no verbal communication, he's really good at making a fire.


Imagine being a simple animal on planet For'estrx. Just grazing on the plants or having a nice quiet nap, the air filled with the sounds of nature, birds, and insects.

Now imagine all that, ruined. By the loudest fucking boom these poor animals ever heard, it shook the ground and startled the peacefully sleeping animals and they all flee, not knowing what the hell made the noise but they don't ask questions! They can't talk!

The area clears out, not a single animal willing to risk their lives for curiosity. All except for one, making them a witness to seeing a small alien running from a crashed escape pod, carrying some form of rations, a tall black alien who's carrying a tall, golden haired oddity with him.

Those 2 fleeing from the crashed site, with only the plants (and creature) as witnesses and a smoking pile of metal.

The little (big) creature stares at there retreating figures curiously from atop it's tree.


"Gah I hate forests"

"Hey! Watch it! My whole planet is a jungle! Bigger than a forest- better than one too. Besides, you only say that because you're too tall and you keep hitting the branches with your horns"

"Okay and? Not my fault I'm tall."


Ranboo gives a warbled huff while Tubbo snickers as he flies ahead, giving small heads up for Ranboo for a particularly big low branch.

They landed on the planet and in the more denser forests on the planet. With luck they should be able to get far enough away, and with better luck, find shelter. The forest itself is dense, the branches providing shelter on their own against strong wind and rain. But it would still be good to find more solid shelter.

Tubbo doesn't know how long it's been but his wings get tired and Ranboo starts slowing down, he's pretty sure they got pretty far from the crash. Now to actually focus on shelter, preferably near water. Him and Tommy could use a wash and from what he's observed, Tommy needs a lot of water. Far more than him.

Luckily they didn't need to travel far, they found a cave opening that reaches a little ways inside, not too small too, and it's in the direction away from the wind. So it'll be less cold for him and Tommy.

And! He can hear a nearby rush of water, there's a creek nearby that they can use. So this spot is going to be there hideout for now, until they can get a new comm and hopefully call for Phil and the crew.


Heading straight for the cave, they 'set up camp'. Which really, he just lays the rations in one corner and Ranboo goes to lay Tommy down before Tubbo stops him, instead, telling him to be placed where moss and dirt is. Softer than the cold rock of the cave.

Ranboo warbles worriedly "Y'know, I think we should have taken those survival lessons from Techno seriously...." Tubbo feels inclined to agree. He didn't think he would need those lessons. Ranboo always had contact on him and Tubbo just eats basically any type of fruit or flower. Compared to Ranboo, he's more likely to survive nearly any planet.

But this puts Ranboo and Tommy at a risk, Tommy is injured and he doesn't know when he would wake up and Ranboo eats meat, Tubbo doesn't hunt and Ranboo doesn't know how to hunt.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now