Chapter 13: Get dat fish

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Summary: They need meat, or more specifically tall bitch needs more meat than Tommy did. While he doesn't like the alien he's not going to let him starve.

Why do they not know the basics of survival? Sure not everyone back at home knew the basics, but they're in space! You'd think that would be a must to learn! In case of being stranded!

But nooo.. he has to do the hunting.

Or I guess, the fishing.


Notes: Special guest reveal? Maybe? Mmmmaybe? Depends on how nice I feel.


He feels like he's acquired a new child, a child in the form of a tall Maleficent cosplayer. He's so... awkward. In a weird way, he's so timid. At first he purposely was making the guy scared of him. But now it's getting tiring of seeing the guy look at him all timid and apprehensive, like he doesn't know if Tommy will lash at him for getting close to him or for being near Tubbo.

Yea he's gotten attached and protective of Tubbo, but if this guy is his guardian of sorts, then he's not gonna kill him! Hell even if he was just a friend Tommy wouldn't touch him. Tubbo clearly cares for him.

But once more the lack of communication complicates things. Not only does he want to talk to Tubbo and possibly curse at him for STILL CALLING HIM FUCKING MOMMY! But to also talk with the big guy, maybe get some answers out of him too.

He's observed the guy at this point, he's tall, taller than Tommy which he finds extremely fucking rude and will not hesitate to chop off his legs.

Tall, black with white splashes that look like a paint bucket was dumped on the left (Ranboos left) side of his body. He has horns that remind him of Maleficent and a pair of red and green eyes, which is both cool and interesting.

He has this tail that swishes behind him, it's a thin tail with only fur at the end, split like his hair, black and white. To top it all off, he has this odd suit? Nothing extremely fancy. It's all torn and ruined now, but it's odd seeing that on an alien. He thinks it's a suit anyways, with how ruined it is he can't tell anymore.

He looks cool, But he'd NEVER say that. Bastard would have to choke it out of him.

But, from what's he's learned and observed, this guy is a carnivore. He's only nibbling from the dried meat rations. Tommy's taking a break from the only meat option. But still, he knows this stuff won't last long, Tubbos food supply he doesn't have to worry, being a herbivore and all.

But Tommy needs fruits and meat, Maleficent over there needs just meat. He knows the basics of survival, but he doesn't know if he can hunt bigger food or animals to support himself and Tubbos guardian.

So when they all rested up and fell asleep for the night, he was the first to wake up. He did his best to not wake the others, Tubbo was clingy and had gotten closer to him during the night when the fire started to die.

It was tempting to stay there but he needed to scout the area, see if there's anything else nearby. When he went out for materials he found a tree with some weird fruit, like dragon fruit but yellow and had weird ring designs on it.

He couldn't' reach it during that time however, it was way too high up, he'll need vines. But he has a plan!

Quietly gathering the makeshift leaf sled, he took his trusty new knife and the vines he brought and took them out of the cave and tries his best to not lean on his injured leg for too long.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt