Chapter 25: Everything FUCKING HURTS

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Summary: Tommy do be sore after training with Techno, so he tries to take some naps and rest.

The crew really should have accounted for Nightmares, especially ones that still have a strong

hold on the boy.

Dreams aren't real, but they sure as hell feel real. Especially if they aren't fantasy.

Edit CyberGeist: I am still bitter about this chapter. She sent it to me and was like do you like, and I was like I'm not talking to you. You are hurting my children. But then she was like, but you're the one who ups our violence to the teen rating...and well. She has a point. I am straight up the one in charge of editing the torture/flashback chapters later....sooooo. Sorry? I am the editor for a reason I guess.


Notes: I'm so excited! Are yall excited? I AM VERY EXCITED! :D This is gonna be great!


Chapter updates are currently unknown, i just didn't want you guys to wait for too long cause i get the feeling, i get it. so here i am! alive!

Warning: Unedited, Torture? Past abuse? Minor Character death? Editor help XD)

(Edit from Cyber: No I refuse to help u, I will only make it more violent and you know it...oh wait too late I already did ;p hahaha)


Tommy regrets that late workout/training with Techno. Like holy hell, he knew he was out of shape. But by god did he underestimate how out of shape he is.

Everything fucking HURTS.

He couldn't even get out of bed, his legs ache from running, his hands and upper shoulders hurt from hitting that punching bag continuously, even his chest aches from when he tried lifting some weird weight thingies that looked very similar to ones that he'd seen in gyms back on earth.

He didn't do much with those last ones though, it was simply too much of a strain on him, but apparently he did it enough that it affected him the second he woke up.

When he woke up that morning it was because Tubbo was trying to wake him up, and holy shit did he snap at him. He glared and sharply told him to fuck off while wincing in pain.

And then he immediately regretted it when he saw Tubbo flinch away, ignoring the soreness and ache he leaned up and snatched the boy in a weak hug, unable to tighten it.

"Sorry, Sorry, I'm just-"

He hisses in pain again, not really wanting to move and staying stuck in the hug.

"I'm just- hurting a little- fuck that hurts"

He shuts his eyes and leans tiredly against Tubbo, nearly toppling them over, heck they would have if it wasn't for Tubbos unnatural strength. At this point it was genuinely the only thing keeping the two of them upright, and from the shaking in Tubbo's shoulders it wouldn't be keeping them upright for long.. Tommy tried to get himself back up, and stop crushing Tubbo but found that his chest, hips, and thighs simply refused to work the muscles necessary to move himself into an upright position.

He groans tiredly and then moans when the simple sound causes him more pain. He doesn't know what time he and Techno stopped but it was definitely more than a few hours. Tommy was determined to gain strength but in his excitement he forgot to not overexert himself. And now he is suffering the consequences.

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