Chapter 29: Instant connection (aka: favoritism, 100%)

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Summary: Mumza keeps a closer eye on the human.

Tommy shows her how to make a flower crown!

Ranboo receives a gift!

Aka: This is really fricking cute, I think yall will seriously like this

Cyber: Oh and Philza panics which made me and Ender laugh so hhahahaaa!!! Lol bird man takes a massive loss!


Philza was the first one up the next morning, and in the point five seconds it took for his brain to wake up he was peaceful, happy, and calm, and then his brain woke up and Philza discovered that two of the most important members of his flock had disappeared. Philza's hindbrain did NOT like that. His wife and chick were GONE!!! DANGER! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!! Philza could barely think through the onslaught of sudden terror and paranoia as he nearly upened the nest when he spun around searching its contents for the familer heads of stars and gold.

With a worried half strangled screech he launched himself out of the nest, in his panic barely missing stepping on Tubbo with his sharp talons. He gave the room one sharp eyed panic sweep with his eyes before storming out of the room his upper wings raised threateningly, his lower bunched tight and ready to launch him forward at a moments notice. He began searching the whole house for his wife and chick, leaving a flurry of agitated and loosened feathers behind him as he scoured the kitchen and its cabinets, as well as the kitchen nest, before sweeping upstairs to check the preening room, library, and nestling nest. He paused for a moment at the nestling nest thinking of a small ball of feathers and fluff he and Kristin had once held there, thinking of pain, and loss, and a little nestling named-no he wasn't going to lose Tommy and Kristin too, he wasn't going to lose any of his flock, not ever again!

Now truly incensed and in a full panicked, protective fervor, Phil stormed towards the downstairs balcony raising his wings as he opened the double doors and lifted both sets of wings preparing to take off and the search the area around the house until-

"Philza Minecraft make one more sound and I will toss you over the rails"

The voice though sharper than it usually was when directed at him immediately set him at ease, and while he hadn't turned to face it yet he knew exactly what he'd see. That voice meant hair that was a galaxy of stars, eyes the deepest purple that no one else could see behind the glowing white, perfect grayish skin with its shifting constellation of freckles, perfect loving features, wings that spanned the cosmos, and lips that laughed at him always. Kristin. His wings lowered instantly as soon as she spoke and he came to a freezing complete halt exactly where he stood. He turned to face the voice and the last bit of tension melted from his shoulders and wings as he began to gasp for breath he hadn't known he was holding. He gazed at the scene before him, his heart pounding a rapid tattoo against his chest as he took in his wife and chick's current state.

Kristin is leaning against the rails, her back curled gently around the child in her arms, her lower wings wrapped around his legs and torso, her upper wings forming a cradle on the floor under the two of them in a nearly perfect curve that matched that of a boat. Her arms disappeared under the set of lower wings no doubt also wrapped around Tommy. Tommy who had his face nestled into the right crook of her neck his breathing gently pushing some of her cloudy star filled hair towards her chin his eyes were closed but not squinted shut, his golden lashes brushing against his round cheeks, and his long golden hair trailing about in a pool of liquid metal across her neck and shoulder. It was much longer than when they'd first met him and it looked much better too, more vibrant and alive. They were safely wrapped up together in a perfect knot of gold and diamond stars, his flock was safe, he hadn't failed again. They were SAFE.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now