Chapter 22: Nice to officially meet you Tommy!

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Summary: After the teens get some rest they wake Tommy up to get some food that they don't have to forage or hunt. Hopefully none of the stuff affects Tommy.

The crew finally introduce themselves to Tommy!


Editing by CyberGeist!


Groggily Tommy was gently shaken from his warm slumber. He swats the presence that dares to wake him. Go away, he's very comfy and warm right now and he has a squishy pillow to hug. It's very fluffy. It's probably Tubbo with the amount of times he's hugged him in his sleep, he can recognize that tuft of fur anywhere.

He was shaken again, this time with an added buzz. He groans and tightens the hug for a second before letting go and opening his eyes.

Tubbo took the chance of freedom and bolted out of the bed, Ranboo was already up and off the bed, he was close, probably the one to shake him awake. The bitch.

He swats his hand again and finally gets up, stretching and popping his back. Letting out sighs of relief, he hasn't slept that well in a long ass while, he's been so used to stone floors, metals, shitty cell beds etc. so this was a really nice change of pace.

He hears a startled screech and sees Ranboo worriedly checking his back and arms, Tubbo was staring at him with wide eyes, startled about something. Tommy looks around, confused. Did something happen and he didn't see it?

Ranboo grabs his left arm and moves the arm in a circular motion. Did... did aliens help with stretching? What is he doing? Curiously, Tommy stretches his arm, the one Ranboo is holding, and it gives a quiet pop. Ranboo let go of his arm, screeching and backpedaling, knocking a couple of knickknacks and Tubbo flinched hard.

"Ohh, okay, I get it"

Guess popping bones wasn't the norm.

Ranboo starts talking, warbles and strange gargled sounds escaping him as Tubbo flies closer to him as if to make sure the arm didn't just pop off.

He humors Tubbo by moving it around, tapping the fuzzy little ailen on his head which earns Tommy an amused hum. He moves it around as he gets up, calming Ranboo in the process, showing that he's not about to collapse from popping a couple of joints.

Stretching his legs he stands up, trying to look around the room, it's still dark in the room, if he wasn't already adjusted to the light he'd struggle to see where the damn door is.

"Why is your room so dark? Are you an emo? Or are your favorite colors black and dark purple? I'd say you're nocturnal but you're clearly up during daylight"

Tommy looks around the room, tapping any interesting knickknacks he sees, there's this weird glowing dark green chest? It has this cool looking eye symbol on it, odd. He shrugs mentally and continues on, missing the eye's movement as it follows him.

He stops when he hears and feels a rumbling sound in his stomach. Ranboo and Tubbo tilt their heads at the sound, Ranboo warbling at Tommy as if asking a question.

He points at them

"Where the hell is your kitchen? Do you guys have kitchens? Is that just a human thing? Please tell me it's not just a human thing, cause that would suck."

When Tubbo and Ranboo only respond with confusion he sighs and makes a gesture, pointing at his open mouth. He doesn't want to wander out of this room on his own trying to find the kitchen or some food, he doesn't know this ship or its other occupants very well yet. New territory could spell trouble, especially for him.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora