Row row your ship gently down the streams, Merrily merrily he is gonna scream

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Summary: Philza is captain of the ship lovingly named Kristin, named after his wife back on his home planet, where they lived in a thriving flower forest named 'Flowerfalls', surrounded by clear ocean water and warm ocean breezes.

But this isn't about his life on his planet (Which he visits whenever they pass by) but instead about his life on his ship with his other family.

Family of chaotic shits that CAN'T SIT STILL– WHY IS THE POWER OFF?!

This is why Techno is the favorite

Notes: The chapter name was too long so it looks like a mess now and I'm too lazy to find a new name, just know it's the ship song yes.


Who the fuck decided he needed to deal with the medicines?

Wilbur Ignores the fact that he's literally the scientist of the ship and instead makes sure they have potions and equipment for medical procedures in case they have an accident on the ship, which happens more often than not. Stars know how many times they've made pit stops just for more herbs and ingredients.

He'd just like to point out, it's not his fault, he sits in one place to work and works. He doesn't move a whole lot when working, zones in on his work until it's complete. Which is understandable y'know? He works as a scientist and keeps inventory of everything. (There was too many 'work' words in that sentence)

They didn't need to use a lot of their ingredients until the 2 gremlins moved in with the crew. Tubbo the menace and Ranboo just trying to keep his friend from blowing the ship up, which Wilbur greatly appreciates.

He should get him something. Ranboo likes those chorus fruits right? Enderians love those things... is that speciest to assume?

He hopes not, Ranboo loves being gifted things, he'd hold them for nearly a cycle. He's seen him do it. Although, concerning when Tubbo gives him something that could potentially hurt someone, but Ranboo is always careful with everything he holds.

Which is why it's extremely concerning that Ranboos communicator is down. It's never down, kid keeps that thing locked tight in his grip and keeps it in damn good condition too so it wouldn't fail on him. Better state than both Techno and Wilbur have.

Phil is speeding the ship to its limit and Techno keeps having to remind him to slow the ship down so he doesn't overheat the nuclear engine. We wouldn't be much use to Ranboo and Tubbo if we blew up before we even got to them.

The engineer of the ship and top security (Their only security really) falls right in the responsible lap of Technoblade, previously worked in some sketchy shit until Phil took one look at him and said "You look sad, I can fix that!" and now he's been given security and a family, which he refuses to acknowledge!

He will get you to admit it one day Techno, you may be capable of putting a dreamon to sleep with a single punch but he will win this.

Aaaanyhow, back to drugs.

The ship lurches forward, nearly dragging Wilbur down as he tries to keep everything from falling and breaking. A pen that he's been using to keep notes on inventory on his digital pad falls to the ground. Once he makes sure nothing is going to fall over he quickly bends down and picks the pen up and sets it next to his pad again

The hook on the side broke off, bummer.

"CAN YOU NOT LURCH THIS SHIP?? I'M TRYING TO TAKE INVENTORY!" shouting out the door, he hears his pen fall again. "Don't come looking at me, I don't touch the wheel. There's something wrong with one of the engines and steering, Phil has been speeding this ship past it's limit a few times and I think something came off" he hears techno shoat back at him, his voice coming closer.

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