Chapter 28: A Whole World (Galaxy)

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Mumza: Hello little one, I shall hold you

Tommy: *Is Held*

Notes: Bro why is Mumza actually so hard to write?! She's so hard to try and mold, idk if I regret having her or not tbh XD

Warning! I am inconsistent with her height I am SO SORRY XD

Cyber: I try and fix it but I make no promises.




"Where are you!?"

Phill glides up above them, having taken the high ground to try and find their wayward human. He circled above the thick foliage and trees desperately searching for the now familiar glint of golden hair against a scarlet shirt. He desperately wanted to go and find Kristin but right now Tommy was the priority. Tommy who could be injured, poisoned, or worst of all kidnapped. As inhospitable as this planet was to most species it was probably most dangerous because of the nomads who roamed its green surface. Nomads who enjoyed dragging outsiders into their fighting pits. Kristin and Phil had a deal with them, and the tribes for the most part left them alone, but most species considered humans little more than vicious beasts. Magnificent and valuable beasts, but beasts nonetheless.

Thankfully though not many people other than the nomads lived here. It was a reserve of sorts, protected against terraforming, and large cities. Unless you bought a spot of land and lived according to the regulations you could live a very private life out here. A safe life.

Phil draws out his communicator from his Kilva's, he'd been using it to keep in contact with Kristin and update her of their arrival. But now he uses it for a far more urgent message, one of desperate concern. One of his crewmates, his flock, is missing. He's desperately hoping that Tommy is near the ship, that his legendary human endurance is still weakened from yesterday as hard as that was to watch. Somehow for some ominous reason Phil doubts it, the perks of being young and human he supposed.

Twirling in the air, he watches Techno steadily making progress below him catching glimpses of him beneath the trees, and foliage. Techno's strength and light build are carrying him well ahead of Phil as he periodically crouchs to scan the ground for tracks or some other sign of their wayward human. He quickly loses sight of Techno despite the vibrant color of his fur, he lets out a heaving sigh. If only he were a few decatons younger he'd have already found Tommy.

And now that he's thinking about it on top of their missing human, they have missing Enderian don't they. Dangit all, in the panic of Tommy's terrifyingly quick dash into the dangers of Te'ho he'd forgotten about Ranboo. Well hopefully he didn't teleport too much and mess up his injured arm further, and remembered enough of their previous visits to Te'ho to be able to make his way back to his and Kristen's Dooe'. Heck now that he thinks about it he hopes that bite didn't mess with Ranboo's teleportation, no bite should be able to, but Tommy and his various body functions had been a downright contradiction and mystery at every turn so far, so who knew honestly!

A flash of blue and yellow catches the corner of his eye and he flicks his gaze toward the flash of stumbling movement. He flies down to check on the blur, and discovers that it's WIlbur who has fallen far behind both Philza and Techno.

Curving his top set of wings inward and lowering his bottom set to glide he swoops down before beating his top set right before landing to cushion the impact. Landing, he kicks up a bunch of grass, petals, and dirt. Much of which ends up striking Wilbur in a wall of debris, and a lot of it ends up in the gaping mouth of the Orcam who had opened his mouth in shock.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu