Chapter 31: Humanity is like a Coin, There's 2 sides

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Summary: Neutral ground, a rather precarious place to stand. It's much like balancing a coin along its edge while the two sides mean different things, good, and bad, there cannot be one without the other. They are intertwined with each other, inseparable. Oh yes neutral ground is a balancing act, one that some are better at than others....

Humanity can't really be determined by one individual either.

After all it's all about what side you choose, what you decide to do when push comes to shove, when your metal is tested in trial by fire, tempered to a fine point, or shattered into a thousand burnt pieces. Yes, it's all about the choice.


Notes: Ender: FINALLY BACK ON SCHEDULE! Heading straight for Jub'line and nothing is stopping them! Remember when I said hopefully it won't take as long next time and I'm not writing this long again?? YEA ME TOO...

Ender: Err... Who's in this ship coming towards us? It's probably nothing....

Ender: Also I have been hit with sickness after sickness so been resting a lot and the fact it's holiday season has been packing up the schedule XD

Cyber: The amount of worry she has caused me, yall have no idea, NONE

Ender: But here you go! It's a bit more... eventful this chapter XD I had to make this as perfect as I was capable of. This it outside my comfort zone in the sense of writing so let's see how it goes XD

Cyber: *stands atop mountain peak with fire raging behind me arms raised as I cackle maniacally* Ender promised me violence!!! And hooooo boy did I get violence!!! *cackling intensifies and lightning strikes across the sky*

Warning: There will be a description of one unfortunate and creepy moment. Also included are Mentions of Non-Human Blood, Gun, Violence, Non-Human Injury, Non-Human Death, Fighting! These symbols <><><> will indicate when they start and end. There will be summaries for those parts (Orien is helping us this chapter to mark out the warnings so give Orien a hand in the comments, Ender is desensitized to my chaos at this point lol)

Orien: This chapter was wild! None of the topics mentioned go into heavy detail, and are non-Human injuries, but make sure to keep safe, lovely readers! Glad to help out! :)


That was probably the best sleep he's had in awhile.

Don't get him wrong, Tommy loved having the others there for company, it's always reassuring and warm with them sleeping alongside him. But he's starting to think relying on them so much isn't healthy. Does he have attachment issues? There's a name for it isn't there? Maybe it falls into the category of ✴Abandonment issues✴ .

Whatever the case may be, he can't keep reaching out for them and their comfort like a small child.

Somewhere in the back of his head he hears a voice that sounds eerily like his own and it says, "Doesn't everyone deserve to want reassurance? Is that truly so childish?"

Of course not he tells the voice, but he's got his feet back on the ground, time to stop acting like a baby, and it's time to start trying to pull his own weight. He's interrupted from his thoughts by a disgruntled noise from up ahead, glancing up he spots Ranboo whos flailing about slightly awkwardly for some reason.

"Need some help Boo?"

Ranboo appears to be struggling to balance a whole pile of gadgets, whats its, and weird alien thinga ma bobs. He hadn't the foggiest idea what any of it did or was for, but whatever it was Ranboo was doing his level best to apparently not have to make more than one trip, which normally Tommy would be one hundred percent on board with....if Ranboo would carry the darn stack properly, like seriously what the heck?! There is absolutely NO balance, none of the pile is stacked in a coherent manner, and Ranboo isn't using his hips or other body parts at all, instead he is trying to press it all against his chest with his ridiculously long arms. He isn't even using his tail! Which Tommy knew for a fact could be used as a much more flexible third arm! Ranboo grabbed him with the darn thing all the time! Why the heck wasn't he using it to help with the massive stack of objects?!

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now