Part 24

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"Come on I want to show you something." Gerard stood from his sitting position in the grass next to me.

I looked up at him from where I was sprawled out on my back. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere." He tapped my leg. "Just come on."

I stood and followed him as we moved slowly among the tombstones that laced the ground. For some reason Gerard and I ended up hanging out in the town cemetery. It wasn't morbid or anything, it was just that we found comfort in the silence that death held. I ran my hand over the tops of headstones I could reach; the stones felt ruff and cool against my bare hands. Gerard stopped at the top of a small incline and waited for me to catch up with his long strides. I could just barely see the top of a stone wall that peeked up over the tiny hill.

"Look." He turned back to me and pointed down to where I couldn't see.

I walked up next to him and peered down at the small patch of gravestones below us. I realized the small hill we stood on was only there to cover up the mausoleum underneath it. The five or so gravestones that were around it were cracked and chipping away like everyone who was made for this family plot were already dead and gone and there was no one else left to visit them. Gerard grabbed my hand and pulled me down and around until we found ourselves standing in front of the old mausoleum.

"Isn't it just so beautiful?" He stared up at it mesmerized.

I watched him for a second, tilting my head in thought before I turned back to the stone building. "It's amazing, it must be so old."

"Yeah." Gerard walked over and sat down on one of the stone walls that were placed on either side of the doors. "Come sit with me."

I laid with my head next to Gerard's leg as he worked on another new drawing. He had countless drawings, but I guess the more he drew the better he would become. My eyes were closed and I was half asleep when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket, making me tense in shock. I checked the caller ID to see it was Frank.


"Hey, what are you up to?" His voice chirped through the receiver.

"I'm with Gee at the moment." Gerard glanced over at me for just a second before going back to his work.

"Oh," He stayed quiet for a second. "Well I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out... but obviously you cant so..."

He paused again. "My mom is going to be gone tonight and I need a dinner partner."

"I'll be over around 4:30. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect!" I knew he was smiling now.

With that I hung up the phone and closed my eyes again.

"Was that your boy toy?"

I snorted as a smile crept up on my lips. "He's not my boy toy, Gee."

"Yeah well... I know what you want."

I sighed. "I really need to stop telling you things about my personal life."

His loud laugh cut through the silence around us. "But if you didn't do that then who would you tell?"


Gerard didn't say anything for a minute so I opened my eyes to find his face inches from mine, I squeaked and jumped in shock almost rolling off the wall I was sunning myself on.

"No you wouldn't," He narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm your best friend- Oh wait..." He stuck his finger up in the air. "Correction, secret best friend, because your fake best friend is the guy you're in love with."

I rolled my eyes, even though I knew I was blushing like mad. "I'm not in love with him, Gerard."

"You're obviously lying."

I was quiet for a second. "I hate how you know me so well."

He smiled down at me, patting my head like you was a dog. "You love it."

I laid back down. "Yeah, I guess."

"So..." Gerard took his seat once again. "You going over to Frankie's for dinner?"

"Yup.  I wonder what we're having?"

"Who's cooking?"

I sat up when I realized something. "He said his mom had work."

Gerard stopped and started laughing in my direction. "So you two are going to cook?!"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe?"

He just laughed harder. "That should be interesting."

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя