Part 29

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"What do you mean you're getting your hair cut?" I asked into the receiver of my phone.

His cute laugh drifted through the phone and into my ear. "Exactly what I said."

"But I don't want you to cut your hair." I stared hard at the wall across from me, my lips in a firm line.

"But I do! Come on Lenny, it's almost as long at Gerard's!"

"I like Gerard's hair." I cracked a smile even though I knew he couldn't see it.

He sighed heavily. "Lennox."

I copied him. "Frank."

"I'm getting a hair cut."


"No buts!"

I sighed giving up. "Fine. But it better not look bad."

He laughed loudly. "Baby, I can rock any look."

I rolled my eyes at his confidence. "Of course you could, Frankie boy."

I bounded down the steps the next morning feeling rushed for some reason and headed into the kitchen to find that both of my parents had already left for work. I was happy to see that they had left a good sized cup of coffee for me on the counter. After popping it into the microwave to heat it up, I rummaged around the pantry looking for a granola bar. I heard the front door open and close, already knowing exactly who it was.

"Want something to eat, Frank?" I asked still facing the cabinet.

"No thanks."

"Oka-" I stopped mid sentence as I finally turned and looked at him.

He had a smile spread across his face as he spun in a slow circle for more emphasis. "So what do you think?"

"I didn't know you were cutting it yesterday."

"I was actually getting it cut while I was on the phone with you." He scratched the back of his neck out of guilt.

I didn't have anything else to say at that moment. Instead I took the time to take in his whole appearance, my eyes traveling up and down his body shamelessly. He wore tight gray jeans, a black Rancid t-shirt and a green army jacket over it. His smile only grew as my eyes continued to trail up his body. His hair was maybe 3 to 4 inches long, his bangs pushed off to the right side of his forehead. He looked amazing to say the least.

"You look good."

He grinned as I walked by him nonchalantly. "Good?"

"Yes. Good." I looked back at him as I headed for the door, pulling my backpack over my shoulders.

"Just good?"

I was already down the porch steps when I stopped and turned back to him again. He stopped and stared at me with a smile, still standing on my front porch. Tease. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"You look-" I paused glancing away from a split second. "Hot."

With that I turned back around and headed down my driveway and toward his car, Frank a few feet behind me. I knew there was a grin plastered on his face, I could tell by the way he asked his next question.

"Just hot?"

I groaned, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips. "Frank!"

He laughed loudly, finally catching up with me. "I'm sorry, I'll stop."


He draped his arm over my shoulders as he led me over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. "Thanks, by the way."

The heat rose to my cheeks as he leaned forward ever so slightly, the smile never leaving his face. I swear to god my heart was about to rip right out of my chest it was beating so fast.

"You look pretty good yourself." He winked

I blushed a deeper red, pushing him away and climbing into the car. "Shut up, Frank!"

He laughed and threw his arms up in defense now sitting in the driver's seat. "What? Can't a guy tell a girl she's pretty?"

"Not when it's you telling me." I pulled nervously at the material of my shirt.

"Aw, why not? Best friends can do that."

"Frank..." I sighed, deciding now was the best time to tell him. "We're not best friends."

After turning the key in the ignition he looked at me with all seriousness. "Then what are we?"

I really did not need this conversation right now. "Do we have to talk about this right now?"

"You brought it up, Lennox," He pointed out, looking confused.

I shifted in my seat as we began our journey to school. "I don't know what we are."

"Is it bad?"

"No." I wasn't sure what else to say.

He smiled a little before I spoke again.

"We're just weird, I guess."

He looked over at me for a second, his hazel eyes shining in the sun light. "I can handle weird."

I smiled as well. "Good. I can too."

As we pulled into the student parking lot and headed up toward the main entrance I couldn't help but notice that our hands had laced themselves together loosely. My cheeks burned the heat of a thousand suns as I felt a few eyes look our way as we headed through the front doors. Could this really be happening right now? I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we made it quickly to my locker, our hands still intertwined.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now