Part 6

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What was I doing? What was wrong with me? How could I possibly think about someone I just met a week ago this much? I turned over on my side and looked at my bedside table where my digital clock sat. 5:22am. I groaned and rolled back over to face the wall next to my bed. Today was Saturday. That meant Lennox had been here officially for two weeks. I smacked my hand against my forehead, hoping to knock the thought of her out of my mind. It worked for just a second only because the stinging sensation on my forehead was much more prominent. Should I call her to hang out today? I rolled over again and stared at the clock. 5:23am. I sighed in defeat. The sun needed to rise now so I could call her.

What if she came over for dinner tonight? I did tell her she should meet my mom and since I haven't been able to stop talking about her, my mom can't wait to meet her either. Shit.

I stared at my ceiling and waited, shutting my eyes trying to force myself to sleep again, but it didn't help in the slightest. When I walked over to her that day to ask her about being new I didn't sign up for this feeling along with it. How does a girl you just met make you feel so insecure? I thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

When it came to girls, I was the one who could get any of them. It was almost too easy for me. All I had to do was flash a sexy smile and say something witty and they were hooked. But Lennox was something different, she laughed at my jokes, but took it like any of the guys would. She was also probably the most awkward person on the face of the earth, but it worked for her, making her seem more approachable than not. I was perfectly content with just standing next to her and not talking than not standing next to her at all.

Girls are so confusing. She is so confusing. I need a new hobby. Thinking about her was starting to become bad for me. I couldn't pay attention in classes and any class I was in with her just made it even worse, because then I could actually sit there and stare at her instead. And yet she had no idea that she had any influence over me whatsoever. I've never been so infatuated with someone before, so I had no idea how to go about the whole thing.

Normally when I went for a girl it was because I wanted to have sex with them, but with Lennox I actually felt like there was more of an emotional attachment that just made my mind go haywire. We just got along so well. And when she had sat on my lap in the car on Mikey's birthday I thought for sure I was going to pass out from anxiety. Why didn't she tell me to move my hands when I had wrapped them around her? Did she not notice? Did she even care? What if she didn't mind?

All these stupid questions ran through my head making it impossible for me to sleep and once again I turned over, pushing my face into my pillow with a groan. I felt ridiculous for over thinking this so much. After another sleepless moment, I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration, deciding that maybe taking a quick shower might aid in my endeavor for sleep.

When I got back to my room, I threw on a pair of what I thought were clean boxers and got back into my bed and shut my eyes once again. I felt sleep finally take hold of me and soon I was dreaming.

About what? What else...


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