Part 47 | FINAL

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I bounced up and down in line as we waited to hand the lady our tickets. I had said a long, bittersweet goodbye to my mother before I left with Frank to meet up with the rest of the guys. It was early, but I didn't care, I was so excited. Frank grabbed my hand and I stopped bouncing to look at him.

"Chill." He chuckled. "You're freaking people out."

I glanced around to see a few women giving me odd looks; I giggled as I turned back to Frank. "Oops!"

He laughed tiredly and let go of my hand. Gerard was three people in front of me and he was now handing the lady his ticket. This was it. This was the start of something that I knew was going to be great. Never in a million years would I have guessed that moving to New Jersey would actually be the best thing to ever happen to me. This was only just the beginning.

I hiked my camera bag up higher on my shoulder and Frank handed the lady his ticket. I was next. After this moment there was no turning back. I stepped forward as the lady said 'next'. She smiled at me as I handed her my ticket. She folded it and then ripped it at the seam, handing one end back to me.

"Have a nice flight," She said a little too happily for such an early hour.

I nodded and whispered, "Thanks."

I walked through the thin doorway to see Frank waiting for me at the end of the bridge. I jogged over to him, grabbing his outstretched hand all the nerves that had built up inside me over the passed few days had disappeared like they had never been there in the first place. Holding tightly onto Frank's hand, he led me the short distance in took to get to the entrance of the plane and we stepped on without a second thought.

When I first moved to New Jersey I thought I was going to hate it. I thought that nothing could be worse than moving, but I was wrong. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have the best friends I could ever ask for and the greatest boyfriend in the world. I know that this tour was going to be good for us, not only for me, but also for My Chemical Romance.



A/N: Very short last chapter I know. But it isn't over!! Prepare yourselves for the sequel. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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