Part 46

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Break was finally here. From First To Last pounded through the speakers in my room as I moved from my closet to my bed. I had been laying out clothes for the past two days trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't bring with me. It shouldn't be this hard to pack.

Maybe it was the fact that I was about to leave home for the first time. Or maybe it was the fact that I was about to travel all over the country with my five closest friends. Whatever it was, the nerves that had built up inside me were really hindering my ability to pack properly. I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time as I heard my door open. I looked back to see Frank standing in the doorway shaking his head, a cute little smile placed across his lips.

"What?" I asked sheepishly.

"You can't bring all this stuff, Len." He walked toward me. "You've got to pack light."

"Light? But I'm a girl!"

"So is Gerard and he can still do it." He cracked a smile.

I laughed loudly. "Okay then Mr. I-Know-How-To-Pack-Light, you pack my clothes."

"Fine." He snapped his fingers in my face to emphasize his word.

I huffed loudly as I sat on the floor, watching Frank as he walked back and forth from my dresser to my bed, from my bed to my closet and so forth like I had been doing, but he moved with such ease. When he was done he had packed all the clothes I would need, plus my toiletries and make up into one suitcase.

"You're crazy."

"What? It was totally easy." He zipped the suitcase closed and walked over to me, holding out his hands.

I grabbed them and he pulled me up. I kissed him lightly. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

We headed downstairs hand in hand, walking into the kitchen to find my mother standing over the stove cooking something that smelled absolutely amazing. Ever since my parent's split, my mom had taken up some cooking classes and used me and any of my friends who were willing as taste testers.

She looked up at us with a smile. "Hello you two!"

"Hey mom."

"So did you get everything packed up? I know how long you've been trying to do that."

"Yeah, Frank actually did it for me." I smiled over at him.

"Frank, hun, would you like to stay for dinner?"

Frank smiled gratefully. "That would be awesome Mrs. Reed, thanks."

She smiled, a ping of sadness hidden behind her eyes hearing the last name that she would soon be changing and nodded, going back to the stove. Frank led me into the living room where we sat down on the couch facing each other. We just stared at one another in silence.

"So what type of van are we going to be squished into for tour?"

Frank laughed in my face. "Actually I hear a rumor going around that the record company is actually giving us a bus."

I leaned toward him. "Really?"


"That would be so cool."

He laughed again. "If you're worried about where you're going to sleep, don't be," He paused, smirking at me. "Because even if you do have your own bunk, I hoped you'd be sleeping with me most of the time."

A blush was evident on my cheeks as I averted my eyes toward the ceiling. "Depends if you're going to be good or not."

His smirk only grew. "Am I not always good?"

I laughed. "Well-"

"Kids! Dinner!"

I never finished what I was saying because in mere seconds Frank was up off the couch and pulling me into the kitchen, both of us ready for the delicious food we were about to eat.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now