Part 13

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I sat on my bed as I listened to Sublime, not really feeling like doing anything. The guys had invited me to stay for their practice, but I couldn't stand being around Frank at the moment, or Gerard for that matter, he was too angry. I think he was more upset about the whole thing than I was. Even though I had cooped myself up in my room for most of the day I still wished that someone might call me to come over and hung out. As if on cue my cell phone buzzed on the bedside table and I rushed to grab it, picking up immediately. I really had to learn to look at caller ID before answering.


"I think we should talk." It was Frank.

"I- Frank, I don't want to talk right now." My eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Well that's too bad," He paused for a minute and I heard a door slam. "Cause I'm already at your house."

I groaned loudly kicking my legs against my bed in a childish manner and whined. "Fraaank!"

"Don't do that," He sounded frustrated.

I sighed heavily and gave in, hanging up before he could answer me. "I'll be down in a minute."

I took my time to get downstairs. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself for a few moments in the mirror, scoffing, before I actually made my way downstairs. As annoyed as I was with his ways of handling the situation, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious and giddy just knowing that he was on the other side of the door. I pulled hard, opening the door slowly to see a very disheveled looking Frank on my porch.

"Took you long enough." He walked by me and into the house. "Are your parents home?"

I watched as he peered through the kitchen door and then into the living room.

"Are they ever home?"

He looked back at me apologetically without saying a word. After a moment of the both of us standing there staring at each other, Frank turned and headed into the living room, taking a seat on the couch, I followed suit. The silence that surrounded us caused my heart to pound against my chest and I wanted nothing more than for this all to be over with.

"So about last night," Frank started.

"What about it?"

"Well..." He stared down at his hands that lay in his lap as he thought about what to say next. "I don't think that should happen again."

"We were drunk, Frank." I sighed, trying to make him happy. "We didn't know what we were doing, it was just hormones going wild."

He sighed, fidgeting in his seat. "So we're okay then? We can just forget about it?"

It pained me to see him so happy about forgetting that we had sex. He probably just didn't want to ruin the friendship that we had, which I understood because I didn't want to ruin it either. But I had thought over the past couple of weeks that he might have actually liked me and now I didn't know what to think.

I picked at my shirt not wanting to say what I did next. "Yeah, we'll forget it ever happened."

"Great." He forced a smile.

I grunted and stood up, heading for the kitchen. I could hear his soft footsteps as he followed after me.

"Lennox, I'm only doing this because I don't want to ruin what we already have. You're the closest thing I have to a best friend," He looked at the ground as he spoke in a low tone. "Or at least that's what I want you to be."

I poured a glass of water and took a few sips before saying anything. "I want be your best friend too, Frank." I smiled as best I could, feeling my insides turn over.

He grinned and hugged me tightly. "You're amazing, you know that?"

I didn't say anything, just took another sip of water and looked away. I felt like shit.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now