Part 12

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It felt like there was a ten-ton weight pressing against my forehead as I woke up the next morning. I guess this is what I get for drinking so much the night before. My eyes stayed closed just knowing that the sun was awaiting me when I opened them and I wasn't ready to face the world yet. I tried to go back to what had happened last night, but couldn't quite put together everything that had occurred. The last thing I remembered was taking another drink before going to dance with Frank. Oh my god. FRANK.

My eyes shot open and I instantly regretted it as I took in my surroundings; I was in the guest room at the Way's house. I rubbed my head and then realized I was only in my shirt and underwear. Did what I think happen actually happen last night? I glanced around again to make sure no one else was in the room. My mind was running a mile a minute as more and more memories flooded back to me. I couldn't believe I had let that happen. I stood as quickly as I could in my hungover state and grabbed my skirt off the ground and pulled it up over my hips. I put my bra on next and then pulled my shirt back down over my head. A knock on the door caused me to jump out of my skin and also brought on another layer to the headache I already had.

"Lenny, you in there?" It was Mikey.

"Yeah, come in."

The door was pushed open hesitantly and in walked a very disheveled looking Mikey; he smiled at me tiredly. I smiled back only for a second and then went back to frowning when he looked away. I was not in the greatest of moods at the moment.

"So where is everyone else?" I paused, pushing away the horrible feeling that was building in the pit of my stomach. "But more importantly, how's the house?"

"In one piece, thank god." He smiled over at me. "And all the guys are downstairs."

He headed back out the door, but stopped and turned back to me. "By the way, Frank is acting really weird about last night so if he does or says anything stupid... that's why."

I nodded and Mikey disappeared down the hall. Fuck! I quickly followed him after taking a moment to fully compose myself. We walked into the kitchen one after the other and I took the time to glance around the room. Gerard stared up at me with a happy but sleepy smile, I had noticed Ray and Bob in the living room eating cereal and watching tv and Frank stood by the coffee maker about to take a sip from his mug. He almost spit out the hot liquid when he saw me standing there, his eyes wide.

I looked away from him, blushing like mad. "Good morning boys."

"Morning," Gerard smiled up at me and took another bite of his cereal.

I looked over at Frank, his eyes went wide again. "G-good morning," He said it in a rush.

I sighed and pulled out the chair next to Mikey before I sat down, letting my head rest against the table. Frank finally came over and sat down in the seat next to Gerard and across from Mikey. I ate my cereal in silence as Mikey and Gerard talked, Frank staying just as silent. I couldn't help but sneak glances at him just to find out that he was looking back toward me as well. Was what we did really so embarrassing that he couldn't even pull me aside to talk about it? I sighed a little too loudly.

"Okay!" Mikey threw up his hands as he spoke loudly. "What the hell is going on with you two?"

I looked at Mikey and Frank looked at Mikey. 

"N-nothing," I tried to play it cool, but failed as I stuttered slightly.

"Oh please," Gerard looked between us with a sly grin on his face. "Don't think I don't remember seeing you two last night heading upstairs."

"Gerard! Shut up!"

We were all surprised by Frank's loud outburst and even the tv in the other room was muted in anticipation of what might happen next. Without another word Frank stood from his spot, kicking back his chair and storming out of the kitchen angrily. I groaned and leaned my head in my hands. Why did I have to be so stupid? Why couldn't I have just kept my drunken hormones at bay for one night?

"Fuck," I said quietly and I knew the Way brothers were both watching at me.

"Okay so you're going to be the mature one." Gerard stood. "Of course Frank's going to cause a scene."

"Gerard," My voice was low.

He turned to look back at me as he got halfway through the kitchen door. Even though it was nice to know that Gerard cared enough to say something to Frank about the situation, it just wasn't the right time.

"He's not going to cause a scene..." I looked down at the table. "He's just-"

"Being an asshole, not coming clean on his feelings," He sounded mad now. "Lenny, I'm not going to let him do this."

"Gerard, please." I looked up at him, begging with my eyes.

He sighed in frustration, but took his seat once again. "Fine, but if he doesn't say something in a week I'm beating the shit out of him."

"Mikey come on, we have practice." With that he was out the door again and into the living room telling Ray and Bob the same thing.

"Lenny," I looked up at him. "Tell Frank we've got practice. I would but I think I'd kill him if I looked at him for too long."

I nodded, not saying anything before I headed for the front door. I found Frank sitting on the front steps with a cigarette hanging from his lips. His eyes looked glazed over as he stared up into space. I took a second to look him over before finally taking a hesitant step toward him.

"Frankie," He jumped and then looked up at me, turning away immediately. "Gerard says there's band practice."

I stood there as he put out his cigarette and walked by me barely whispering, "Thanks."

I stayed outside for a long while. I took a seat on the porch right where Frank had been and picked up the half smoked cigarette off the ground. Grabbing the lighter that was sitting out next to me. I lit it up, letting the smoke fill my lungs. Sure it wasn't much, but it was enough to ease a bit of the nerves I had. Today was going to suck.


A/N: Drama!! Why is Frank being so weird? Does he think it was a mistake? Read on to find out! :D Vote and comment!

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