Part 37

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I sighed in frustration. No one was at Barnes and Noble today, or at least not in the music section. I had been sitting here since 10 in the morning and still no one has come in to even just brows the shelves. I looked at the clock on the far wall, 2:03pm, only five more hours of hell. I didn't know how to occupy myself, normally it was Mikey's job to do that, but ever since the guys left for recording I've had to work by myself, or with someone I didn't like.

It's been about a month since the guys had left and I've been bored out of my mind. The only things I did now was go to school, come home, do my homework, go to the graveyard and work. The repetition of my day-to-day life drained me of any happiness I had left. I've tried to make friends with some other people at school, but no one was really interested in getting to know me like the boys had been. I had been told that everything was going great over in LA, that they had most of their songs recorded and had been playing a few gigs as well.

I flipped the page in the new AP magazine to where it showed the new up and coming bands. My eyes scanned lazily over the page and quickly moved onto the next. My eyes catching something just as I stared to turn the page, I quickly turned it back to get a better look. My eyes almost popped out of my head as I stared down at a picture of the five boys I knew all too well.

Instantly I pulled my phone out from my back pocket, not caring if my manager saw me. I dialed the first number on speed dial. It rang five times until it went to voicemail.

"Frank!! Oh my god, you guys are in AP magazine! I can't believe it, I'm so proud of you. Call me back when you get this, please!"

With that I hung up and texted Mikey, 'On your way to the cover huh?' An hour later I got a text back with just a winky face. I had to laugh, imagining the smug look that would have adorned his face if he was here with me now. I wish one of them would just call me already, but they must have been busy recording or something.

I was locking up the store when my phone started violently vibrating in my pocket, causing me to jump out of my skin before I quickly pulled it out and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hi gorgeous!"

I blushed at just the sound of his voice. "Hi Frankie."

"So you saw the little article in AP?" It was cute how overly excited he was.

"Yeah. I'm so proud of you guys!"

He giggled into the receiver, but I could hear noises in the background. "Thanks my dear." There was more noises and then yelling.


There was a pause. "No, it's Gerard."

"What the hell?" I laughed as I finally got into the car and pulled out of the deserted parking lot.

Gerard laughed loudly and I could hear Frank yelling in the background now. "Don't worry Frank you can talk to your girl in a minute... So Lenny, how's Belleville without us?"

I sighed, tapping my hands against the steering wheel in frustration. "Really shitty actually. School sucks without you guys."

He laughed again. "At least it's almost over right?"

"Gerard, it's not even Christmas yet. But what about you guys? How are you going to pass?"

"We have our homework sent to us."

"Ooo..." I stopped as the light turned red. "Fancy."

There was more talking in the background. "Well your boyfriend is freaking out so I'm going to give him the phone back."

"Okay. Love you Gee! Tell Mikey to call me later, please." I smiled into the phone.

"Will do!" It was quiet for a minute.

"Hello?" It was Franks voice again.


There was shuffling and then the sound of a door slamming shut. "I really miss you."

I smiled, pushing my foot against the gas peddle as the light turned green. "I miss you too, Frank."

"It's so great here, but I can't help but want to come home and be with you."

I blushed as I bit at my lower lip out of nervousness. "I wish you were here too. I'm going crazy without you."

"I love you, Lennox."

My heart soared at his words. "I love you, Frank."

There were voices in the background again. "I have to go, but I'll call you as soon as I can, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Don't sound so sad, Len, only a few more weeks until we're home."

I sighed as I had already been counting down the days. "Yeah, I know. That just seems too long."

"I know exactly what you mean. I'll see you."

"Bye." With that I hung up the phone and threw it into my purse that sat next to me in passenger's seat.

I pulled into my driveway, locking the car and heading into the house. My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner, finally home at a decent time today. My father never got home before 8 o'clock, but I was happy having at least one of my parents home.

"Hey honey!"

I smiled at her as I jumped up onto the counter. "Hey mom."

"How was work?"

"Sucky. But I was going through the new AP magazine and the guys were in the up coming bands section!"

She smiled, stirred what was in the pan absentmindedly. "That's great hun, have you talked to any of them lately?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I talked to Frank and Gerard for a little bit. I really miss them."

"I know it must be hard just getting a boyfriend and then him leaving immediately, but I know you two can get through it." My mom smiled in my direction.

"Yeah, I think we can too." I hopped off the counter, the conversation putting a damper on my mood. "I'm going to go upstairs."

"I'll call you down when dinners ready," She called after me.


I got to my room, stripping from my work clothes that were mandatory before I pulled on some pajama pants and an old band shirt of Frank's that I had stolen. I laid on my bed in the quiet until my mom called me down for dinner. I really hope we can make it through everything.


A/N: Only 10 more chapters to this story! But I will let you in on a little secret, the title to the sequel. :) Time Will Tell. What do you think of the name?

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now