Part 15

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I let the tight fabric of the black dress hug my torso nicely, as the bottom half flared out into an a-line skirt. I tugged a little at the sheer black polka dot patterned tights with nervousness as I checked the clock. 7:45. I should be heading out soon, seeing as the boys told me to get there at 7:30, I was already late. I pulled on my only pair of black doc martens, lacing them up with ease. I sighed beyond satisfied with my appearance and blew my bangs out of my eyes. I was ready for tonight and I hope Frank was too.

I smiled to myself and whispered, "Lets do this."

The car pulled out of the driveway smoothly and soon I was off down the road heading in the direction of the small venue on the other side of town. Gerard had informed me that there were going to be a bunch of sets tonight, which got me excited to hear a bunch of new music. Nirvana blasted through the speakers in my car as I thought about how tonight's events would unfold; I was very excited to say the least. I finally pulled up to the venue and parked, hopping out of the driver's seat. I headed for the building, getting some looks and whistles from guys standing near the entrance but only just smiled sweetly and went inside.

It was bright and nicely lit near the front, where the bar was. The lights dimmed further back where I could see a small stage being set up by another band. My eyes scanned the room looking for a certain group of five; I spotted them at the opposite end of the bar being their overly obnoxious selves. Mikey was the first to see me and called me over.

That's when they all turned to me and all of their mouth's dropped. Gerard started cat calling as I walked toward them, a blush forming on my cheeks as people turned to watch with amused looks upon their faces. My eyes connected with Frank's a second later and I smirked at his open mouth and wide eyes as I weaved my way around some tables. He immediately clamped his lips shut and looked away. Was he blushing?

I finally got to them, squeezing in between Bob and Mikey. "Hey boys!" I laughed.

"Damn Lenny, way to out sexy me." Gerard fake glared at me with a smile on his face.

"You look really nice, Lennox." I smiled at Ray's compliment.

"Yeah, you clean up good." I chuckled and patted Bob's arm.

"Thanks guys."

Mikey just smiled down at me and I smiled back; he nodded his head to the right, indicating that I should look around him. There I saw Frank staring at me and again he turned away once he noticed me looking back. My plan was going just how I wanted it to, a smug smile forming on my face; I think he was speechless. That's when the first band of the night started their set. I knew the rest of tonight was going to be good.  

A few songs into the second band Frank pushed away from the bar and headed in my direction for the first time all night.

I tensed as he leaned into me and whispered, "Come outside with me."

Without another word we left the building and stood outside on the sidewalk just to the left of the bar. He lit up a cigarette and looked at me. I could feel his eyes travel over my whole body before they connected with mine. It felt like my heart was about to rip out of my chest, not knowing what was to happen next. He still didn't say anything though, just kept smoking.

"Do you want some?" He held the cigarette out to me.

"No, thanks."

He nodded, taking another drag.


I pushed away from the wall. "Yeah."

We headed for the front doors after he had finished his cigarette. Frank climbed up the steps first, pulling on the handle and opening the door for me, but before I could walk by him he stopped me by resting his free hand on my hip. It only caused my heart to beat faster. He looked down at me and again leaned closer, I could feel his warm breath against my cold skin and it sent shivers up my spine.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight," He breathed out.

With that we walked inside, the giant smile and blush on my cheeks never leaving. By the time we made it back inside, the rest of our group had somehow ended up at one of the few empty tables left across from the bar. Frank pulled up another chair and sat down in it quietly. I walked over and pouted at everyone around the tiny table.

"Come on over here sexy lady and sit on my lap," Gerard spoke before anyone else could.

I grinned, swaying my hips slightly as I made my way over to him and plopped down on his lap. Gerard maneuvered me so that I was sitting at an angel so everyone could still see him. His hands gently rested on my legs as his arms wrapped around my waist. I couldn't help but glanced over at Frank to see a heavy glare being thrown in our direction. I turned away not sure if the glare was pointed at me or Gerard and started talking to Mikey instead.

The guys had just finished setting up and were about to go on when I got a bright idea and called Frank over to me. He walked toward me with guitar in hand and gave me a questioning look. I didn't want to take up too much of his time, already knowing that he was nervous for the performance.

My hand grabbed at the front of his shirt as I leaned up and kissed his cheek quickly. "You're going to be great."

He pulled away from me with wide eyes, but that soon changed as my words registered in his head and all he could do was grin down at me. After a long moment he headed back toward the guys. He whispered something to Gerard, who just nodded and grabbed the microphone.

"Hey everyone, we're My Chemical Romance!"

People whooped and clapped. Then Gerard stepped back and let Frank come up to the microphone. My heart rate sped up once again as his eyes traveled over to where I was sitting.

He smiled slightly. "I'd like to dedicate this first song to someone very important to me, this song is called Skylines and Turnstiles."

My eyes never left Frank for the rest of the night and I don't think his eyes left me either.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now