Part 5

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Frank has walked me to school everyday now for the past week, and after realizing we were in the same homeroom, he would also walk with me to my locker every morning as well. I had noticed that not many people paid attention to the group of guys I had decided to associate myself with. It wasn't that they were hated or anything, they were more or less just ignored and I wasn't sure if they minded it or not. And even if they did, they never voiced it.

Frank always talked to me about the most random things whenever we were together, but it was nice because then I got to learn more about what he liked and what he didn't. But as much as Frank seemed to like to talk, he also took the time to ask questions to learn more about me.

I sat in my normal seat in homeroom, Frank and Mikey taking up the seats around me. I realized something was off when I saw Gerard walking into the room without a care in the world. I watched him questioningly as he crept up behind Mikey, who hadn't yet noticed his brother's presence.


He jumped five feet in the air and whirled around with an angry expression on his face, obviously unamused by the scare tactic. Frank and I both trying to hold back a laugh.

Gerard gave him a cute smile and held out a box of chocolate, which was super corny. "Happy birthday, baby brother."

My mouth dropped. Today was Mikey's birthday? Why didn't anyone tell me?

"It's your birthday?!"

Mikey looked over at me with a light blush on his cheeks and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged. "I didn't want to make you feel like you needed to get me anything since we've only just became friends."

"That's dumb, Mikey."

He laughed, still looking a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I guess."

"So are we leaving or what?" We all looked at Gerard as he spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked already having an idea as to what he meant.

Gerard gave me a wicked smile. "What, do you really expect us to sit around in school when it's little Mikey's birthday? I don't think so, Lenny." He waved his finger in my face before I smacked it away and glared at him playfully.

"Then I guess we're leaving." I shrugged as I went to grab my backpack.

All the guys stared at me for a second.

"Damn girlie, I didn't expect you to be such a rebel and actually come with us."

I looked over at Frank and scowled at his comment. "Do you really expect me to let you guys have all the fun?"

A grin broke out on his face. "I was hoping you would say that."

With that we were out the door and heading for the front entrance where I assumed Ray and Bob were waiting for us. It was a lot easier leaving this school than it was back in California. At my old school there were cameras put up at every entrance and a hall monitor that walked around, but here it seemed that no one really cared what we did. And just that thought made me think about all the shit we could possibly get up to in the near future.

Once we were safe and out of the schools view, we headed toward Mikey and Gerard's house, which was only a few blocks away. There was a car parked in the driveway and I was scared that their parents might be home and would catch us, so I decided to ask.

"Whose car is that?"

Gerard looked at me like it was some big surprise. "It's mine!"

The tension in my shoulders melted away as he answered. "When did you get that?"

"Last weekend! Isn't she beautiful?"

It was an old car, small, but it could fit all of us in it with some maneuvering. Some how we did fit everyone in the car and since I was the girl I was the one stuck sitting on someone's lap, but at the moment I didn't really mind.

"You okay, Frank?" I looked back at him as he tried to situated himself underneath me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I could finally feel him relax.

His hands rested on his own thighs, sitting so close to my own, but not daring to actually touch them. I was nervous to say the least. I had never done things like this back in California, but maybe that was because I never actually had a group of friends that I could do things like this with.

We were headed to a small restaurant that was in the next town over so the ride was going to be at least 15 minutes. I continued to ask Frank if he was okay because I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable and every time he would smile and say he was perfectly fine. He had volunteered himself to be the chair for my butt, so I guess he knew what he was in for.

I cleared my throat and looked back at him again. "Frank, are you sure your-"

"Lennox," His hands reach around my waist and squeezed. "I'm fine, stop asking every two minutes."

I gulped down my nerves, realizing as the seconds passed by that he wasn't going to detach his arms from around me. I prayed to every god out there, hoping that Frank couldn't feel how nervous I was. My heart pounded in my ears. I was surprised I was the only one who could hear it.

Finally we got to the restaurant and I quickly kicked open the door and hopped out of the car as fast as I could. I stretched, raising my arms over my head before flattening out the wrinkles in my shirt. We all walked inside and were seated right away. Gerard had made reservations. He was trying so hard to make Mikey's 17th birthday really good, it was kind of cute... but Gerard was always cute in my opinion.

I sat in between the birthday boy and Ray, with Frank across from me and Gerard and Bob on either side of him. We ate and laughed, having a great time. Every so often I would sneak glances at Frank, he would always be laughing or grinning, immersed in whatever conversation he was having at the time, he was always so happy. That was another thing I liked about him, he could always make me smile now matter how I was feeling. But sometimes there were those days that even though he was smiling there was still a hint of sadness behind his eyes. I shook off the thought, trying to bounce back into the fun atmosphere around me. I turned to Ray and laughed at something Bob had just said. What I didn't notice was that Frank had been watching my every move.

"Today was really great guys! Thanks so much." Mikey smiled happily and then disappeared into their house.

Gerard smiled at everyone and waved a goodbye before following after his brother. Ray and Bob had just gotten a ride from Bob's mom and now it was time for Frank and I to head home too.

"You ready to go, Len?"

I smiled over at Frank. "Yup."

I was always ready for a walk with Frank Iero.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon