Part 10

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I looked at myself in the full-length mirror for the third time since putting this outfit on. I felt a little weird wearing it just to go over the Gerard and Mikey's house. How many people did Gee actually think were going to come? I didn't want to sound like an ass, but our group is not very high on the popularity pole, so I really didn't expect a giant house party.

I laughed a little to myself. Gerard did buy enough liquor and beer to give our whole high school alcohol poisoning though. So if worst came to worst, it would just be the five of us trying to drink as much as we could. I was brought out of my thoughts by a voice I had grown to know so well around my house.

"So you think you look hot, right?"

I sighed. "Gerard, are you sure I have to wear this?" I pulled at the tight black skirt that I had on.

"Yes," He gushed like a girl, sometimes I wondered how he wasn't gay. "You look sexy!"

I blushed and turned back to the mirror. "If you say so."

"I do and I know you want to impress a certain someone too." He laughed a little, wriggling his eyebrows in my direction.

I scoffed at his comment, all the while blushing a deep red. "Shut up."

He grinned and hugged me from behind before heading out the door. "Be downstairs in five or I'll drag you down!"

I gazed at my appearance once again, a dark red flowy tank-top that Gerard had cut into a crop top, black skirt, black tights and boots. I guess I could handle this for one night. I grabbed my tiniest purse out of my closet, put in my cigarettes, wallet and phone before I left my room, closing the door behind me.

When I got downstairs Gerard was on his phone talking to someone, smiling at me as I walked into the kitchen. "Yeah. Really? That many already," He grew more quiet and the smile on his face only grew. "Awesome! Be there soon."

"So?" I looked at him a little worried by his facial expression.

"There just so happens to by more than half of both Senior and Junior classes at my house right now."

My mouth hung open not fully believing him as I stuttered out, "T-that's a lot."

"Yup!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door. "Which means we should get there before all the good alcohol is gone!"

With that we were out the door and on the road to what now felt like the party of the year.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن