Part 22

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I couldn't tell you how I got stuck working Sunday shifts, but here I was, trying to look like I was being productive. At least I worked with Mikey, otherwise I would have probably fallen asleep by now. Mikey sat on a stool next to where I was standing behind the counter, absentmindedly flipping through a magazine, but not actually reading it. I tapped my fingers against the wood counter top and glanced around the room even though no one ever came in on Sundays.

"So..." Mikey spoke up. "Frank told me about what happened on Friday."

My heart instantly started to race. Of course Frank had gone and told Mikey about it, I should have guessed he would. Mikey is to Frank what Gerard is to me. But I never would have guessed that Mikey would decide to bring it up. I could only stare up at him with wide eyes as he looked back with an amused expression I couldn't quite comprehend.

I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes after a long moment of silence. "I don't want to talk about it."

"But I do."

I turned and gave him a look before I grabbed a few CD's that needed to be put back on the racks since a customer decided it would be okay to take them out of there proper spot and just leave them lying around after deciding they didn't want to buy them. I didn't look back as I walked away from him, but I knew he was trailing after me.

"So are you guys like dating now?"

I stopped halfway putting a CD in it place and glared at him. "No, we are not."

He put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay."

I continued to walk down the row, sliding CD's into their appropriate places while Mikey followed after me like he was my shadow. I put a Green Day CD in its slot before he spoke again.

"But both of you put your feelings out there for each other. I don't understand why you two are being so dumb about this."

I sighed. "If he wants something to happen, Mikey, then he has to make the first move."

"Yeah, but I know Frank. He never makes the first move, the girls just normally flock to him," He chuckled a little, but I didn't find it funny at all.

I pursed my lips in annoyance. "Well then he needs to grow some balls and do it or it'll never happen." 

"Why can't you just do it? Everything would move a lot faster that way." He was smiling now.

"He made the first move before," I mumbled recalling the party.

Mikey laughed loudly. "He was drunk!"

I nodded. "And?"

"So that doesn't count," He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and started back towards the counter after placing the last CD in its holder. "That's bullshit, Mikey."

"Not really," He knew he was right. "He would have been way too nervous to do something like that sober."

"You know what?" We were both behind the counter once again. "I don't understand how you can be right all the time when it comes to stuff like this."

He just shrugged and smiled.

Running Like Forever [Frank Iero][1]Where stories live. Discover now