Sootopolis Gym

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Sometime after rescuing a trio of Roaring Moons with Sidney of the Elite Four, the gang had left Izabe Island and had come to a city called Sootopolis Gym. This city was where Cora could earn her final gym badge for the Hoenn League. Oddly enough, the gang had lost sight of Ash and his friends. But they'll meet up with him later.

"Finally, I can earn my last gym badge," Cora beamed, "then I can register up for the Hoenn League."

"I wonder what this gym leader is like." Mairin pondered.

Alain took a look in the guidebook. "Well it says here that the gym leader is a man named Juan and he uses water type Pokémon, just like Misty in Cerulean City," He informed, "Oh, and it says here that Juan was a coordinator in his time, and he became top coordinator."

"Well this is going to make the gym battle more interesting." Cora commented.

"There is something else here about the Sootopolis Gym," Alain said, "It says that the gym used to be run by a man named Wallace."

"Oh yeah I've heard of Wallace," Cora remembered, "he was a coordinator too before he became the gym leader and he too became top coordinator. But he's now training to aim to become the new champion of Hoenn."

"That means he's going to try to beat Steven, which of course won't be easy for him." Alain stated.

Cora and the gang knew that Steven was not an easy trainer to beat.


The gang soon arrived at Sootopolis Gym and to their surprise the gym looked like a big concert hall and it had a big garden.

"Wow," Mairin awed at the gym, "this is the fanciest gym that I have ever seen."

Just then a butler came up to the gang. "Greetings I am Sebastian the butler of the Sootopolis Gym," he greeted, "what business do you kids have here?"

"We are here so that I can battle the gym leader of this gym." Cora answered.

"I see," Sebastian understood, "then please follow me and I will take you to meet the gym leader."


Sebastian led the gang to inside the gym; the battle room was huge, and it had a huge swimming pool as a battlefield. It was nearly the same as the Cerulean Gym. A man, who dressed like a conductor, stood near the pool, petting his Water Pokémon; this man was the gym leader Juan.

"Master Juan, this young lady wishes to challenge you to a gym battle." Sebastian called out to Juan.

Cora introduced herself to Juan and Juan accepted Cora's challenge.

"I look forward to seeing on how you battle, Cora." Juan said.


Cora and Juan took their places on the trainer boxes, which were in fact diving boards of the pool. Sebastian, who was the referee, explained the gym rules. These rules were different to the rules that Cora normally heard. This time it was a five-on-five Pokémon battle, but the gym battle was in two rounds. The first round was to be a double Pokémon battle and once the challenger defeated the gym leader's two Pokémon, it will be a normal three on three battle with the last three Pokémon. Cora was surprised with the rules, but she still couldn't wait to battle especially since she intended to win the gym badge.

On the side note, Ash and his friends arrived a few minutes ago and Ash was disappointed that he didn't get to battle Juan first.

"Battle begin!" Sebastian announced.

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