Lavaridge Gym

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The gang had a lot of adventures recently while finding some Pokémon. Most of their Pokémon had evolved as well. 

Their first adventure was when the gang came across a Torchic farm. Like the Mudkip marsh, these Torchic's would be given to new trainers at the start of their journeys. May thought the baby Torchic's were so adorable. Then Team Rocket had shown up and tried to take the Torchic's so that they could be given to the boss. However, the gang stopped them. Alain's Torchic was able to evolve into Combusken.

May had managed to win the Fallarbor Contest. She used her Plusle for the performance and Beautifly for the battle part. When they first arrived in Fallarbor Town, Cora and May quickly went to sign up. But like in Mauville City, one spot was left. Cora let May have the spot. She also helped May with her battling and gave her some pointers which May was grateful. The two girls also met Grace, who was also able to give May her confidence to push through the contest.

They met Team Aqua and Magma again. Team Aqua and Magma fought to steal a meteorite from a place called Mt Chimney because they believed that the meteorite would help them in finding Groudon or Kyogre. But they failed because the gang was able to protect it.

The gang's Pokémon had also evolved. Iwa and Alain's Aron evolved Lairon. Salila (Shiny Feebas) and Irvine (Feebas) finally evolved into Milotic. Alain's Seedot evolved into a Nuzleaf, and his Nincada evolved into a Ninjask. Alain managed to catch a Numel.


The gang soon arrived at Lavaridge Town. When they got there, everyone decided to relax in the hot springs which Lavaridge Town is known for since they've been traveling for a while. No one disagreed on the decision. It was later on that they met up with Ash and his friends.


It was the next day, the gang was in front of Lavaridge Town Gym.

"So are you two excited for your gym battle, Cora, Ash?" Max asked.

"Totally." Cora and Ash replied.

"Hi there!"

The gang turned to the voice and saw a slender, medium height girl with long, straight crimson red hair that is tied up in a high, spiky ponytail with a blue band with a side fringe at the front, and crimson red eyes. She wore a short black T-shirt with a red fire emblem on it, exposing her belly button, plain blue jeans with a red belt, and black and gray colored shoes. Cora recognized her as Flannery the Lavaridge gym leader.

"What brings you here to my gym?" Flannery asked.

Suddenly Brock was right in front of Flannery holding her hands, "Why I'm here to capture your beautiful fiery heart!" He declared with heart shaped eyes.

At that moment, Max grabbed Brock's ear and pulled him away.

"OW! The ear! The ear!" Brock yelped.

"I'm pretty sure that you would turn to ashes before you get the chance." Max stated, dragging Brock away.

"I'm here for a gym battle." Cora replied, changing the subject.

"So am I." Ash added.

"Well I wish to battle you, however I can't at the moment." Flannery explained.

"Why? What's wrong?" Mairin questioned.


Flannery took the gang to the gym and saw that the battlefield was filled with holes. They all sweat dropped at the condition of the battlefield.

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