The Rock-Loving Honors Student

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The gang is now at the Pokémon center in Rustboro City where Cora is doing some last-minute training before heading off to the gym. Moishe (Dewgong) has been helping Finn (Mudkip) with a few water type attacks which he was enjoying. Cybele (Shiny Chestnaught) was helping Koba (Treecko) learn a few grass type moves which Kazuki was happy to learn. Cora planned on using Finn and Koba in the Rustboro gym.

"Wow, you're training hard for the gym, huh Cora?" Mairin asked.

"Yup. I just want to make sure both of my Pokémon are ready for the gym." Cora replied.

"Do you know what type of gym leader is at the Rustboro gym?" Mairin questioned.

"Roxanne, who's a Rock type trainer." Cora answered.

"So that's why you're training Finn and Koba." Mairin realized.

"Yes, I brought Moishe and Cybele to help them out." Cora stated.


The sun was nearly down when training was done. Cora got all of her Pokémon healed and rewarded them with dinner. The group had dinner and slept at the Pokémon center for the night.

The next day, the gang headed towards the Rustboro gym. Cora was excited to battle Roxanne. She knew that Roxanne might be a little bit difficult, but she had faith in her Pokémon.


On the way to the gym, they came across a Poliwag who had some sort of tag with a symbol on its tail. Knowing that they're on their way to the gym, Alain suggested that maybe the gym leader might know who Poliwag belongs to. Mairin gently carried the Tadpole Pokémon and the gang headed towards the gym.

"There you are, Poliwag!" A female voice called out.

The gang turned to the voice and saw a girl, almost Cora's age, with red eyes and brown hair, which is tied up into two pigtails with a red bow, with a small black U-stripe. She wore pink tights and a small tie-like pink scarf around her neck. She wore a white shirt with a purple school uniform dress and a pair of purple shoes. Cora recognized her as Roxanne, the Rustboro gym leader.

"Did you find this Poliwag?" Roxanne asked as she stood in front of the gang.

Mairin nodded, "Yeah. We came across it." She said as she handed Poliwag to Roxanne.

"Thank you so much." Roxanne thanked Mairin.

Then they heard footsteps coming from behind Roxanne. It was a group of kids who were probably around the same age as Mairin.

"Excuse me, are you Roxanne the Rustboro gym leader?" Cora asked.

"Why yes I am. I'm also the teacher of the Pokémon Academy here in Rustboro City." Roxanne confirmed.

"My name is Cora Joy. I'm here to have a gym battle." Cora explained.

"Oh, a challenger huh?" Roxanne said, "Well I accept. It would be an honor to battle a champion."

"Champion?" A little girl asked, curious.

"Cora happens to be the winner of the Silver Conference," Mairin bragged, "She's also the winner of the Indigo League and the Orange League."

The kids looked at Cora with awe as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Wow, really?" A boy asked, excited.

"Yes, I am." Cora replied.

"Follow me to the gym. It's this way." Roxanne instructed.

Roxanne directed the gang along with the group of kids to the Rustboro gym.

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